UD = dead?

Carnival Forces

Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 9, 2003
what the heck is up w/ UD? my client can't connect, grid.org is down, as is ud.com

...is this just me? or does anyone else get this as well?

Looks like their site just took a crap. Kind looks like the forums did this weekend.

Hopefully they'll get it back up, this isn't doing any wonders for the contest if you guys can't get any work downloaded and uploaded. :rolleyes:

p[H]ant0m said:
Looks like their site just took a crap. Kind looks like the forums did this weekend.

Hopefully they'll get it back up, this isn't doing any wonders for the contest if you guys can't get any work downloaded and uploaded. :rolleyes:


well, it helps people w/ slow b0rgs--the faster boxen can't do anything, the slower ones get a chance to catch up :eek:

Yeah, if this gets to be too big a problem, we'll see about making arrangements to push the contest back a week. It doesn't do anyone any favors by not being able to get work. :(

All projects of this type have issues like this every couple of years.

There are the minor blips along the way that result in a few hours downtime, then there are the catastrophic failures that screw things up for days at a time. Please be calm, and observe the "Fasten Seatbelt" signs. This will be resolved and everything will be status quo again. No need to panic or jump ship (projects).

Your CPUs could probably use the break anyway. ;)
I was on their forum and there was some noise about the server that handles the cancer work units being down. Nothing official, but that sounds like the case.