Ugh, did I get a bum Sapphire 7870? (pic inside)


Jun 7, 2004
This computer is nearly two weeks old, done the usual (safe) tests, PSU mobo and everything checks out fine but two times in its short life has it locked up in a way that made the sound continue for a tiny little and then start looping, looking like this:


Once was in Battlefield 3 checking it out in singleplayer (max details, no AA), and this most recent time was in Hawken (lowest details).

Sapphire didn't listen or care much about AMD's specifications and used weak junky caps prone to failure, and is this what it looks like? Should I wait for a third or contact the shop directly and ask for an exchange for another company?

And just as I'm about to submit the thread I realize I'm running the latest beta drivers - should I take the latest stable and go on trucking, seeing if it happens again?

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Edited the title because I kinda tracked it the heck down, despite moving to stable drivers and doing all kinds of things. Old less demanding games have behaved but I haven't played them long, haven't played games much anyway, but die in a fire Sapphire, I and so many other people have had it.
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Well, this just happened for the third time so Sapphire is about to lose a lot of customers and business customers in Sweden with all the shit I've dug up on them and I'm ready to unleash, after all it turned out that the family is friends with a store-owner who runs the largest business-sales franchise of computer parts here.

I've had more trouble with Sapphire than AMD/ATI driver issues over the years so I decided it is best I go and save other people from their trouble immediately.

Praying the store has a 7870 ready for exchange on Saturday.
Grey Screen of Death - AMD has this happening for long time, if my memory serves me correctly i had this even on my 5870 once. I would RMA the card, but i am not sure switching brands will help you.
GSOD is normally related to memory instability, Have you overclocked the memory. Is the card at stock clocks and voltages when this happened?
I thought Sapphire was the favored partner of AMD... so I find it surprising that you think the issue is on the manufacturing end. I've have fewer issues with Sapphire cards than any other brand I've tried. Not sure how they slighted you so badly by having a card slip through QC that didn't perform to your needs. I'm pretty certain that the vast majority do...
I know when I bought my sapphire 7870 some of the reviews on newegg were talking about the black screen issues. Seems like some have problems and some don't, looks like that might be your issue. Gl on getting a new card. I've read that the cards with the SKU number 11199-03-XX are the duds so maybe that will help.
No OCs, RAM survived overnight tests, PSU re-tested returns fine values, separate rails power the two six pin PCIEs on the 7870 which happens to be a GHZ Edition - that's what's got me worried. BIOS seems to be relatively new, not listened as troubled when searching google. Seems to be a new model from them so maybe it's a childhood disease?

Cannot replicate the steps to get these GSODs, that's an even larger mystery, no trouble getting things replaced if I have to thankfully. The store I bought these items from stopped carrying Corsair goods some years ago after I had three RMA in a row of bad Corsair DDR2 ram packages (two with bad bits, one flat out keeping the computer from booting properly), and I've been a customer of theirs since the Commodore 64, despite my age.

Lesson learned:
I should have spent some 20€ extra and gotten a 7870 with a code for FC3 instead.