Ugliest case ever...RETURNS!

I don't think it's that ugly. It's more... how should I put this, extravagant in appearance ^_-

Love the dragon, BTW.
I'm more of a fan of the understated look. I can handle things like different colored bezels and such (think X-Navigator) but this is too much.

It'd look much better in my mind if they ditched the curves on the bezel , killed the handle totally, and made the window bigger, with an etch of some sort on it.
AznAnarchy99 said:
more like... "OMG $190 for THAT?!"

OMG that is exactly what i was going to post. you can have almost any standard case on the market for that price!?
I've seen that case before, but just noticed it had the BMW nose on it. Ewwww.
its not the best looking case.. but it does look pretty good.. looks like the put alot of time into..
For 189 that is a freakin ripoff, Lian Li makes sooooooo much better cases. Some day theyll have cases with little plastic antennas just sticking out out random places.
lol probably. i prefer the clean look so anything with extra plastic or metal doesnt catch my eye.
Would be great for my 10 year old nephew. I really think that's their intended market.
I like the dragon design on the front....
the rest of it can go straight to the scrap metal / scrap plastic bin as far as I'm concerned. I personaly like radicaly modified, custom built cases, but have nothing but contempt for cases that come pre modded.
it's ugly.. but not uglier than these!


wow, that thing would look great with an r-type sticker and a giant spoiler on the back.

i see assholes driving crap like this down the street every day, why the hell would anyone want this shit in their bedroom/living room/office?

oh yea, and when i saw this the voice in my head yelled MOOORRRTALLLL KOMMMBATTT! and there was lame dance music in the background and i wished i could do a fatality on myself so i didn't have to look at it anymore but then I just clicked back here and typed this and i feel better.
magnetik said:
it's ugly.. but not uglier than these!

OMG, that case just needs a fur lining and a goldfish tank under it and it's the most PIMP case ever!!!! [/sarcasm]
Sheldron said:
OMG, that case just needs a fur lining and a goldfish tank under it and it's the most PIMP case ever!!!! [/sarcasm]

I am so stealing the "end sarcasm" command.
That is very funny.
the reason its so damn expensive is the PSU... its 24 pin, atx12v2.0 with PCIe connectors and all... and personally, ive seen worse... i like flashy more than beige so yeah...
the asus vento is the worst looking case ever (especaly the green one) but thats the biggest ripoff ever, if it was like 70 bucks i could see people buying it,
I remember one Newegg used to carry. I was a giant pyramid-looking piece of shit. I'll see if I can dig it up.

I think it was this
Another submission. Pics are courtesy of my friend dan.
It's an HP cardboard box, nothing could possibly be worse.



haha that's classic. My fregin "hardcore" ex roomate bought the ugliest case in the world with like a scorpion thing on the front and all the cases had vortexes on them. This reminds me of something he might buy. God I hate him; I hate him so much.

edit: lol btw enerson.
You guys are cracking my shit up so [H]ard it's not funny, a kid i know dropped 2k on parts and proudly houses it inside the most generic case I've ever seen in my life, reminiscent of many of the displayed cases in this thread. ROFFLES ETERNAL! :D
The Dragon case wouldn't be so horrid if they used colors properly.. kinda reminds me of Thermaltake's bright orange fans in black and blue cases.
Okay, it's ugly but not THAT ugly. I've seen worse. Cases looking like demons with horns, like a BMW/Mercedes and like a friggin' Nokia cellphone. They all have one thing in common: you huff 'n' puff at 'em and they fall apart.
I dunno about putting expensive parts in a plain generic box.

I had my old athlon system in a full size 386 server case. It even had the 386 sticker on the front, old ass brownish colored plastic, 5 1/4 floppy. Everyone gave me so much shit about having an old 386 at a lan party.

The sleeper-look for cars is cool. Like seeing the expressions on peoples faces when my (stock) cadillac 1977 does a bitchin smokin burnout. But computers dont have that "wow" effect to em.

sleeper hotrod gaming computers = a lot of shit at lan parties (dood your pc suxorz)
Sleeper hotrod cadillac = a lot of shit from everyone (dood its a slow old ladies car).
TheGamerZ said:
More like a transformer... or a Power Ranger zord

"Oh doOod, my case is a mecha zord, One day i was just sittin' here surfin' anime' porn and all the sudden the case was like talking to me, I had to put down my doritos and just listen to it. One day it's going to sync with all my appliances and take over the world."