Uh Bad company2 small white dot ?


Sep 2, 2007
Is it just me that has a stupid small white dot to the bottom right corner ? it goes away during cutscenes then it comes back.. wtf is this?
I noticed that in the Beta, too. Thought I was the only one ...
I think everyone has it, it's just hard to see. I think it's probably part of the HUD overlay.
I think its actually moved down the screen, in the beta it was at about the middle of the far right hand side, now its down near the bottom. Doesn't seem to be part of the hud overlay considering where it was previously.
when the beta was working I didnt have this, others mentioned it but no matter what res or image quality I set I never once saw this dot. but now the beta dont work no more and games not out on steam yet so I cant check the game yet
if you want to get rid of that, you have to purchase the NEW BFBC2 DLC!
Haha I got it too. In the beta I lied to myself and said it was snow stuck on the camera.....(/sarcasm)
This white dot was such a big deal for me... it totally ruined the experience of the entire game because of it.
there was a white dot? lol i spent probably 100 hours playing the beta and never saw a white dot..
i spent about 50 hours in the beta and never noticed it either. you people are too damn observant :p
I think it might be some widescreen bug, if you can even call it a bug (it's just a single pixel that's always white).
I didn't notice it in the beta, but now that you guys brought it to my attention I won't be able to ignore it :eek: