Uhh oh. This is odd. Burned pins on 24-pin ATX connector. (PC P&C Silencer 750w)


Oct 22, 2000


Looks like two 12v (yellow) wires burned somehow. Computer was running fine last night, and for the past few months on end. Went to boot up this morning, and it was a no go. Investigating, I found what you can see in the pics above. (sorry for the blur. It's in a dark corner and my camera struggles with closeups in any condition)

So, what is the prime suspect, PSU or mobo? (I've yet to dig out my other PSU to try)
It's the board. If you check the forum section at eVGA you'll see that several people are having almost the same thing with theirs (not just Classified boards).
Thanks for the quick reply.

I was going to try my other PSU. But the plastic melted inside the ATX receiver on the mobo prevented this. I tried to *gently* clean it out. But it's a no go. Looks like it's time to get ahold of EVGA tech support for some RMA action. :(

Hopefully nothing in my system got fried as a result of this malfunction.
note: don't try to plug that burnt connector into another motherboard as doing so is likely to cause further overheating. If you want to keep using that PSU then you will need to replace the connector.
Yeah, I'll be buying a replacement connector and pins from frozen cpu.

PS. EVGA told me they're going to be releasing a fix for this issue for x58 boards. I guess it's going to be some sort of a PCI-E card that will take a power connection from your PSU and supplying more power to the PCI-E slots to reduce the load at the 24-pin connection.