Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins (PSP)


Nov 5, 2002
Arthur . . . the most abused, tortured, and humiliated hero ever to quest to save a princess.

Tokuro Fujiwara, the designer of the game, is quite possibly the anti-christ. In returning to make UG&G, he brought back a style of gaming seldom seen since the days of the impossible NES games. If you are of the generation that spiked their NES controllers over games like Ice Climber, Kid Icarus, and Metal Gear then UG&G is going to give you nasty flashbacks.

To put it mildly, the game is difficult. This game is old school with a new skin. Brought back are things like the Dedicated Jump of Screaming Doom. I say screaming, because you are cursing at your PSP even before you find the doom that gravity has in store for you. New to this one are a few new weapons, like bombs that you throw in an arc like the holy water and a crossbow that fires a three bolt spread. Also new are powerups like double jump boots and an assortment of useful shields, some with special abilities, like the winged shield for limited flight. None of these items change the nature of the game.

The game is just mean spirited. Monsters and hazards are specifically put in common places where you will land. Armor upgrades are usually found 3 seconds before a nasty situation meant to return Arthur to an indecent romp through hell in his boxers. Progress along the map in the game is misleading since you have to use the new items you recieved to return to old levels and collect, previously unreachable, golden rings.

I have am in an abusive relationship with this game. I love it, but it beats me. Tokuro Fujiwara looked at games made today and said, "What pussys, its time gamers tasted true horror once again". If you have a PSP and like difficult games or have a deep nostalgia for old style games, then this is a must have game. I suggest getting a Wii style wrist strap though, this is a controller spiking game . . . on a handheld system. Bravo Capcom, bravo.
It's not that difficult of a game, even on the hardest level, unless you're trying to get everything to avoid making a second trip throughout the world.

Still, if you like old school style games, it was a good game. Kind of unfortunate about the jumps though. You jump, and you jump 1 height and 1 distance. You cannot change it nor can you change direction. That would have made it somewhat easier.
The armor maker in that NES/SNES game should have been drug out into the street and shot...a friggin leaf brushes against the side of the armor and it EXPLODES off.
Definately one of the hardest games I've ever played, but it's worth it. Really great platformer once you get past the drama. ;)
I'll have to try that game out some time. On the topic of difficult PSP games, Killzone Liberation has to be one of the hardest and most fustrating games I've ever played!
aznpxdd said:
I'll have to try that game out some time. On the topic of difficult PSP games, Killzone Liberation has to be one of the hardest and most fustrating games I've ever played!
Really? I thought it wasnt really hard. Only thing I really had trouble with was the final boss. But a great game none the less. Too short though.
Super Ghosts and Goblins on the snes was fun and fairly easy going thru the first time and then finding out you need a special weapon to really kill the end guy boss with and so you go thru the game again and then trying to kill the end guy with this special weapon that really has nothing special about it except that its especially ganked .. I never did beat the game
