Ultra High Settings on a 9000 IGP...


Aug 1, 2004
Thats right resolution 1024 x 768 im running on ultra high quality at 7 fps...on this laptop lol...thats fucking amazing....anyone else experiencing extremely pleasing results on a PC they never thougth would do the job?
deadoralive said:
what amazes me is that you call 7fps extremely pleasing.

Looking at what he's running, I would most definitely call it extremely pleasing, and surprising as well.

God, what a worthless post. (your's)
I think he is just pleased that has obboard, shared memory video can even handle Ultra HIgh....not that it is playable.
I think he is just pleased that has obboard, shared memory video can even handle Ultra HIgh....not that it is playable.

Exactly, look at it this way.....im playing the latest 3d game, on the highest settings...on a laptop that altogeher costs a few more dollars than JUST your video card...i think thats pretty impressive. This laptop cost me 600$, brand new.
I think you're full of it. To prove it you need to post a picture of you sitting next to the laptop with Doom3 running on it at the high detail you are claiming and you have to have a big smile on your face and maybe even a thumbs up sign. Only then will I believe your claims...