ULTRA V-series 500W enough for X1900XT?


Jul 30, 2006
28amps max on 12V rail

Sapphire recommends 30 continuous, is this going to be a problem?
Scyles was writing about my situation, as I'm the owner of the Ultra V-Series who needs to power an X1900XT.

Could anyone (especially JGURU) please expand on whether it will or will not work (it's not clear whether JGURU was answering Scyles initial thread topic query or the one he asks in the body of the text, as they are opposite) and what's likely to happen if I connect it and it doesn't?


Not a good idea. Better to get a PSU with a beefier spec on the 12 volt rail. It's your computer and you can do what you wish, but I would not risk my vid card on it. Even if it "works" now, who's to say it won't fail in the near future?
I was answering the question.

Because the PSU only has 28A on the 12V rail, I would recommend against it.

The X1900 is a power hog... and the V-Series is an entry level PSU. I simply would not recommend it.
I wouldn't recommend it either. I believe the $10 Ultra X-Finity deal is still active ;)
dBTelos said:
I wouldn't recommend it either. I believe the $10 Ultra X-Finity deal is still active ;)

im hearing follow up posters saying they had to RMA those. Although these are from outpost, they are still FRY's, notorious for reselling returned items by reshrinking them.
Well, I am using an 400 watt Antec that has 28A on the 12V with an ATI 1900XTX. My system is fairly loaded and I have no problems (never crashes).

*edit 400 watt from 500*
I have a vantec stealth with 28a on the 12v rail and it powers a 1900xt opty 175 rig without issue.. But, I still would not recomend it.. Because not every psu that claims 28a on the 12v rail can actually deliver it.. Which is prolly why 30a is recomended by Ati.. A little breathing room..
OhMyGod said:
Well, I am using an 400 watt Antec that has 28A on the 12V with an ATI 1900XTX. My system is fairly loaded and I have no problems (never crashes).

*edit 400 watt from 500*
There are no Antec 400W PSU's with +12V@28A. :rolleyes: