Ultra X3 1600w Power Supply @ [H]

I've been a long time fan of HardOCP, but I'm getting really sick of there reviews, and I think they need to raise their standards. Take this PS for example, they determined that it runs great, but 99% of home users won't be able to use it. That should be an immediate disqualification for any award.

The number of awards being given out has been steadily increasing. This is probably because hardware is getting better and more reliable. When you start giving silver and gold awards to everything you review, they loose their meaning. I think it's time [H]OCP upped it's standards to include usability, price , efficiency and customer satisfaction. If a PS runs great but will trip the breaker in your house, it's useless and should be stated as such. If a spankin new video card can run your favorite new game at 60+ FPS with all the highest settings, but costs close to $1,000 and needs 2 power plugs to run, it's not practical for most users (sure there is some kid out there whose parents will get him one just to shut him up for a few days) and deserves at most a silver award.

I've gotten to the point that when I see a new review for something I immediately skip to the end to see what award they give it. If it gets one, I almost never read the article. The awards used to mean that the product was well built and practical for users, no more.

Side note:
The number of times I've wondered if [H]OCP took a payoff for a review has been steadily increasing as well

So because your home is old and outdated that the PSU should be rated poorly? FWIW, I have 20 and 30 amp outlets in my computer area, I can run this baby just fine.

With your logic that this should be rated bad because it's used by 1% people, shouldn't 8800GTX's, QX processors, FX Processors, Dual motherboards, Quad cores, Silverstone cases, Lian-Li higher end cases, be all rated bad too?... I mean after all, most people don't use these products.

Incase you haven't noticed, performance takes over all forms of practicality, it's like this in sports and in the computing world.... hence why super computers are rooms in size, hence why snowboarder pros prefer strap in bindings to the convenient step in bindings, hence why racers prefer multi point seat belts and harnesses vs easy to use car seatbelt... etc etc etc.

I don't really read the article, as IMO all articles have opinions, I look at the pictures, the graphs (loads, performance, etc), and the specs and draw my own conclusions. I don't look at awards either but I look at the entire review spectrum... one good reward and a ton bad don't look good.. so you average them out and draw your own conclusions.
You are absolutely right, the PS performs as labeled and caps it's performance below spec so it doesn't blow users circuit breakers. That makes it worthy of an award. Awards are for excellence, not for "meets expectations."

Did you read the article? It did do excellent. The DC output was phenomenal, the DC output capacity was equally amazing, DC output voltage regulation was better than the PC Power and Cooling Turbo-Cool while having a much larger capacity, and on and on.....it was excellent.

Products users will buy, yeah right, this unit is $400. That's way above the budget I put on PS when I build a computer.

That's great, but ti isn't above the budget of everyone as PC Power and Cooling, Silverstone, and others have been selling the 300-500 market for a while now...and making quite a bit of money. So apparently there is demand in the market.

Not to mention, as you stated, users will never use the full capacity of this device, making it a big, bulky, power consuming, waste of money.

I don't think you understand how a power supply works. They don't produce capacity that isn't currently being requested of it.
You are absolutely right, the PS performs as labeled and caps it's performance below spec so it doesn't blow users circuit breakers. That makes it worthy of an award. Awards are for excellence, not for "meets expectations."

How doesn't this exceed in excellence? It beats the crap out of any PSU on the market. Kinda like a bugatti of power supplies, expensive, fastest, and performs.

You can't drive fast enough on the road with the bugatti, but surley it got many awards for excellence.

I quite honestly don't think you are seeing the whole picture, you are focusing this PSU on your own needs rather than the broad array of other folks or the market.

Products users will buy, yeah right, this unit is $400. That's way above the budget I put on PS when I build a computer. Not to mention, as you stated, users will never use the full capacity of this device, making it a big, bulky, power consuming, waste of money.

There we go, once again, this is "to your needs", not the markets, not anyone else other than you. You would rate this product bad because of your own selfishness.

Please explain how this is out of users range? My last psu cost $550, this is a bargain. I am actually purchasing two of these 1,600w psus... so please spare your market projections as you are wrong.

Big and bulky? It's the same size as the 1kw units out there, and it's modular.... power consuming? Isn't that like EVERY power supply? Waste of money? Cheaper than most competing PSU's and more powerful... not to mention it's got a great efficiency that others can only dream off.

Once again, leave your personal selfishness out of this and you will see that it's a great product.
I'm worried about my electricity bill if this is an indication of what PSUs are needed some time into the future. I might just drag my Commodore 64 out from the closet and start using that instead. :(
In order to make a product for the average consumer, you need to go to great extremes and push the limits first...then pull back. Companies learn a great many thing when they push the envelope of technology. Without that push we would sit in mediocrity and never go anywhere.
Where I see someting like this coming into its own is on a home folding/render farm based around C2D systems.
8-10 systems, one main PSU & 7-9 PicoPSU 120W's psu's.
Power all the hard drives off the sata/molex conectors.
Power one mobo off the ATX socket & power all the other micro psu's off the 12 volt rail.
That way each blade can be just the size of the mobo without having to find room for the PSU on the same shelf.
Its the only way I can think to fully load a +1Kw PSU.

Been thinking along those lines for the next major upgrade of the farm ........ :p

Luck ......... :D
Where I see someting like this coming into its own is on a home folding/render farm based around C2D systems.
8-10 systems, one main PSU & 7-9 PicoPSU 120W's psu's.
Power all the hard drives off the sata/molex conectors.
Power one mobo off the ATX socket & power all the other micro psu's off the 12 volt rail.
That way each blade can be just the size of the mobo without having to find room for the PSU on the same shelf.
Its the only way I can think to fully load a +1Kw PSU.

Been thinking along those lines for the next major upgrade of the farm ........ :p

Luck ......... :D
God DAMN. :eek:

(Read through the whole thing. Don't know what else needs to be said.)

I'm suddenly tempted to buy one of these, a whole bunch of PicoPSU 120W's, and run every computer in my house off this one PSU. :p
Sorry, I beat you to it. :p
Products like this are simply moronic. I'm sure all 4 people who buy and use this PSU will be really happy. It leaves the rest of the community wondering: what was the point of this review? And more importantly, why does such an undesirable insane niche product garner the "editors choice" award. Garbage!
Products like this are simply moronic. I'm sure all 4 people who buy and use this PSU will be really happy. It leaves the rest of the community wondering: what was the point of this review? And more importantly, why does such an undesirable insane niche product garner the "editors choice" award. Garbage!

Did you read the article? It did do excellent. The DC output was phenomenal, the DC output capacity was equally amazing, DC output voltage regulation was better than the PC Power and Cooling Turbo-Cool while having a much larger capacity, and on and on.....it was excellent.
Products like this are simply moronic. I'm sure all 4 people who buy and use this PSU will be really happy. It leaves the rest of the community wondering: what was the point of this review? And more importantly, why does such an undesirable insane niche product garner the "editors choice" award. Garbage!

Moronic how you didn't bitch when they came out with PSU's past 850watt's but you bitch at one which has a higher capacity for a cheaper price? :rolleyes:
Moronic how you didn't bitch when they came out with PSU's past 850watt's but you bitch at one which has a higher capacity for a cheaper price? :rolleyes:

I don't live on hardocp as you may. I browse occasionally. That doesn't really make what I said any less true... They should sell this PSU at Brookstone with vibrating solar powered soup makers and other worthless crap.
I don't live on hardocp as you may. I browse occasionally. That doesn't really make what I said any less true... They should sell this PSU at Brookstone with vibrating solar powered soup makers and other worthless crap.

Well obviously since you don't frequent here a lot, we are enthusiasts... we here as ocpers push things to the next level. We don't care for budget things, we don't care for cheap crap.

We want whats best and the best delivery of our bang for our money.

If you want a forum thats going to see what the cheapest and least of quality, search for bestbuy forums, I'm sure you can find help there. We are a niche forum focused on niche hardware and people here are interested in higher end hardware or hardware that is going to give them the best performance.

Hardocp did a great review, sold me on two of these units and sold others also. Obviously you are dead wrong about your "less true" statement, as this review already made multiple sales, more than your sarcastic claim of 4 PSU's.

I am still really surprised why you chose to bash this brand when there are thousands of reviews out there on 850w+ psus. Why didn't you complain about the 1kw reviews? Thats what I thought. Stop trying to degrade hardocp, obviously they are hitting their market head on as a lot of users have interest in this unit and a few reviewers has their hands on it.

With that said, I am sure HardOCP would be more than happy to review lower end psu's which are sent to them, however, there is no reason to bash something simply becuase you can't afford it.
"We want whats best and the best delivery of our bang for our money."

I'm not sure I understand your engrish, but I'll assume you meant something like: "we want the best bang for our buck."

A $450 power supply is most definitely not a good value.
"We want whats best and the best delivery of our bang for our money."

I'm not sure I understand your engrish, but I'll assume you meant something like: "we want the best bang for our buck."

A $450 power supply is most definitely not a good value.

Obviously you don't seem to understand much here.

The PSU is $400. $400 is not a good value for a PSU, but a $400 1,600w PSU it's a GREAT value... especially considering thats the range of the 1kw units and outperforms them in quality and power.

Just because you can't afford it, it doesn't mean it's not a good value.
With that said, I am sure HardOCP would be more than happy to review lower end psu's which are sent to them, however, there is no reason to bash something simply becuase you can't afford it.

We indeed, occasionally, do but in general it is hard to get our hands on lower end units as with everything they don't have the impact factor that the high end ones do so companies are less likely to be forth coming with them (not to mention the low end items aren't neccesarily the same quality as the high end). Which is why I recently went shopping at NewEgg :D
Finally decided to break down and buy this sucker. Will let you guys know how it goes.

Cant wait for the Tripple SLI solution :) More than enough power for a while now.
Finally decided to break down and buy this sucker. Will let you guys know how it goes.

Cant wait for the Tripple SLI solution :) More than enough power for a while now.

Are you kidding me?????

Well... now I can say I know of someone who actually owns one of these beasts.
Are you kidding me?????

Well... now I can say I know of someone who actually owns one of these beasts.


Well I guess I'll be prepared far in the future for now, especially with Skulltrail right around the corner :cool:
A new server for ockie !

I'm guessing 48 of those 1tb drives, right?
Already ordered mine. :cool:

Have you chosen a mobo of choice yet? I'm still stuck on which should be the next generation mobo for me...I do like skulltrail V8 platform with dual quads, but then I'm always worried about support and drivers, so I may just go with QX9650 also when it comes out.
You could spend $100 to upgrade your PSU every few years to meet the bare minimum or buy this one for $400 with a lifetime warranty and modular cables and never have to worry about whether the PSU is holding back the overclock of your components. Power requirements are finally starting to come down to sane levels, now that intel is on a 45nm process, AMD is on 65nm, ATI is on 55nm and nVidia is on 65nm, so hopefully we won't see huge demands for awhile. Also, you basically have a guarantee that power requirements likely will never be more than this, because 1600w is already limiting out household electrical systems!

You could pay $400 for the X3 with a lifetime warranty, modular cables and a quiet fan design or $580 for the PCP&C 1kw, 5 year warranty, standard cabling and a noisy fan. So comparatively, this is awesome!

Quality review and I agree this one is actually deserving of a gold.
Have you chosen a mobo of choice yet? I'm still stuck on which should be the next generation mobo for me...I do like skulltrail V8 platform with dual quads, but then I'm always worried about support and drivers, so I may just go with QX9650 also when it comes out.

I dont know yet... Im stuck on what to get.
You could pay $400 for the X3 with a lifetime warranty, modular cables and a quiet fan design or $580 for the PCP&C 1kw, 5 year warranty, standard cabling and a noisy fan. So comparatively, this is awesome!

7yr warranty on the PCP&C 1kw!!

I see so many positives when it comes to purchasing this power supply, the review was great, the performance was fantastic.

I can't imagine someone replacing this unit for atleast 5 years, if not, maybe more. That's good security.

Having a lifetime warranty also helps, good to see Ultra coming out with better products to compete with price reductions.

Good review and good product!
I currently own an ULTRA PSU but it looks like their quality is turning around and isnt as bad as it was with my original PSU.:D
I am still amazed at the trolling that goes on in these forums. Alastor, dude wtf?! I just ordered one of these PSU's also. It's already been said over and over, the review was excellent, it told me exactly what I needed to know to make an educated decision. The ONLY reason I can understand you being such an ass is you must work for a competing brand or something. I mean, again, wtf?! Right now I have a Tagan 1100 watt and an OCZ 600 watt powering my system, now I can run a single PSU without issue. The Tagan got poor reviews for noisy DC ouput and it costs about the same as this 1600 watt PSU which blows it out of the water in every respect. Awesome cabling, great finish, excellent specs that it actually can perform to. What's with the hating man? I wouldn't have even posted here except your constant bickering just has me so puzzled I had to say something.

I know others are thinking this so I'll flat out say it. You are a friggen idiot.
My X-finity 500w(thank you to jonny) weighs quite a bit for a 500w PSU, but I've never been tempted to crack it open and take a peek.

The metal they used on it is 3-4 mm thick all the way around, it has the same finish as the black Lian Lis do, although I don't know if it's aluminum or not.

Either way, all the voltages are close to spot on all the time.
Got mine installed last night. I was a little dissappointed with the 8pin connectors length. It just barely stretched out long enough to reach the PSU where I have it installed. I am using a UFO-U2 case so its not your typical layout but still another few inches would have not hurt. Also I ran out of connectors and had to use a splitter. They really should make a few short splitters that split the 4pin molex connectors into 2 lines. I have quite a few extra cables but no place to plug them into. It does appear to be solid and is powering my 13 hard drives with no issues. I will be posting pictures once I get all my cable tie madness complete. This is NOT your grandma's PSU I can tell you that. My case just gained some major weight from this thing and that is after removing 2 other PSU's, a Tagan 1100 watt and an OCZ 600 watt!

I noticed we haven't heard from Mr. Nobody needs this PSU and its a waste of money since we all posted we bought one of these....I'm sure he's off enjoying a nice dinner eating his words.