Ultrasharp 2007WFP: Is it worth playing the lottery?


Limp Gawd
Jul 25, 2007
Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster.

Lately, I've been wanting to replace my monitor, and when I saw that this monitor was on sale (at dell for $319 + tax, free s/h), I've been debating if playing their lottery was worth it. I've searched and didn't find any conclusive info as to what panel was used, but if they're still shipping out the S-IPS one... man, for 319, I'd jump on it right now. I did get a hold of a dell c/s guy and according to him, they are shipping out with S-PVA. I don't know how reliable that info is though.

Would it be worth the trouble or should I look elsewhere? I know about the NEX 20WGX2, but its slightly out of my price range (and I don't want to buy LCD monitors from newegg anymore).
I would say yes...especially if the $319 deal is still going on. Even if you don't win, there are some who are happy with the S-PVA panel.
Yea, I'll play their game and hope for the S-IPS. I'll order it when I get back home. I'll report which panel I'll get on the other on-going thread.