Unable to copy large files over network or local (yes NFTS)

Feb 16, 2006
I have all of my drives formatted properly. I tried doing it over my network and also locally to an external HD, but nothing works. I keep getting the "Cannot copy file" error.

I've disabled simple file sharing. The file folder is also less than the size of the open space on the external drive. The large folder is 140GB. My drive has 180GB open.

I opened up my virtual memory size. I ran CCcleaner and Gary's Utilities to get rid of junk, clear our mem files, etc.. I cant figure this one out.
Try creating a zip file (with compression off, so it goes fast) and see if it can read all the files in that folder.
Can you take a screenshot of the exact error or write down exactly what it says? Does the same problem occur when copying a single file over or does it only occur when you try to copy the whole folder over?
The error window says "Cannot copy file:" in the taskbar portion it says "Error Copying File or Folder"

Single small files transfer fine.