Unable to OC with Asus M4a785TD-v Evo


Limp Gawd
Dec 19, 2006
Hey all. I'm trying to OC now just to get as much as possible from my Phenom II 555 BE but I'm running into some issues. I'm able to raise my multiplier and get my CPU up to x18.5 3.7GHz. Now this is when the s**t hits the fan. When I try to up my CPU over voltage, I can't change it from AUTO. Why is that?

Now, I'm able to raise the values on AMD Overdrive or Asus Turbo V, but not on my BIOS.

Any help is appreciated.
Anyone out there that can help out? I'm completely stumped and I'm about to get rid of the motherboard and just get a new one.
Late response I know, but you may have to just key in the value manually.

On my old comp that runs a P5QL-E, you can't just press enter when in the voltage field, you type in the voltage amount manually over the AUTO. Try just highlighting the field and start typing "1.xx"
(x represents the amount of voltage you prefer).
Thats exactly what I needed. Thanks so much. Now I'm able to get my 555BE toasted. WOO HOO!!!

I greatly appreciate it.