Unable to reset IE home page


Limp Gawd
Apr 22, 2006
We just purchased 9 brand new high-end Gateways at work. I get to set them up.

It was going fine until I tried to reset the home page in IE to our company's home page.

I can access and change the field in "Internet Options," but as soon as I click apply or ok it changes back to the "Gateway Start Page" I have tried to go into the registry and change the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page and the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page keys, but recieve a message stating "Cannot edit Start Page. Error writing values new content."

I've tried uninstalling all the gateway software that came on the machine, but it still resets itself.

I would just switch to Firefox, but we need IE for some of our web-based stuff.

What is going on here? and how can I fix it?

It's going to be tough for us to help out, unless someone is familiar with Gateways. It's definitaly something they've installed or initiated, since it's returning to their page. You could always try calling their support line. You are paying for this support, since you bought the machines.

I'm also guessing that this is a small company, or else you'd have images in place to do away with their crap they pre-install.
Basically what i need to know is how to tell whether there is a watchdog on certain registry keys and what registry keys could be used to lock the start page.

I wanted to use images and push them out over a LAN with acronis. but the control freaks upstairs won't let me do it cause i'm only allowed one IP address/ethernet port, and I only have one port. Also, its somewhat impractical, as they have different configurations. (raid 1, 0, dual drives, single drive) and there are different drive sizes. Furthermore, they are becoming anything from someones email/word machine to extremely important servers, so images aren't practical. I would reinstall xp, but i'm not allowed too (the boys upstairs).
You may want to install a copy of Regmon from sysinternals.com, and see what's accessing those keys.
Thanks for the help guys

Actually, after much trial and error, I found that it was ZoneAlarm free 6.5.722 that was causing the problem. So we have switched back to 6.1.744. Aparently, someone included the "feature" from the pro version of locking your homepage, but forgot to include a way to turn it off.