Uncharted 2 MP Thread


Sep 2, 2005
I thought it would be interesting to see what people have to say about Uncharted 2's Multiplayer. I will start off by saying these few things, my gripes with it:

1. The accuracy of the AK blows more than Paris Hilton on her birthday
2. The spawn points in some of the maps are annoying. You will be running around and all of sudden a dude spawned behind you and kills you. Its gets very annoying on certain maps like The Plaza.
3. The auto-balancing doesn't work and most of the time I am plopped onto a team with the worst of players the game could find and the other team is played by immortal gods of joystick controls.

These things about the game annoy me to the point I want to hurl my controller at a defenseless fat kid. Nonetheless the MP somehow still manages to be enjoyable.

Which is why I think we should have a list of people who play online and at what times so that I and yourselves aren't stuck playing against an 8 year old suffering from the ADD.

If you think this is a good idea I will keep a list with EST, PST, CST, etc. Just post your PSN ID and the times which you play often.

PSN ID: Endurance-vm and I usually get around to playing it at around 7pm mostly on weekdays and some weekends.

Endurance-vm ~7:00pm
xInViNciBlEx ~weekends(mostly)
bassec ~late nights
insomnibyte ~Friday Nights 10pm
kampfy ~7-10pm give or take


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-Grenades suck because of the cheap ass holes who can't play and chuck one after you load a few bullets into them while running away and you can't get away fast enough.
-Shotguns are retarded. If I shoot someone from 5 feet away twice, and they don't die, I don't expect to come back to the exact same spot, positions switched, and they kill me with one.
-Spamming of grenade launcher is not cool.
-I'm not a noob now, but when I was, match making is unfair (and I still see it as being that).
-Coop players, unless friends, are retarded.

Those are my only gripes. Other than that, I love playing coop arena.

PSN: GuitarrassDeAmor. I play randomly...I'll play if I'm on. (If you add me, make sure you say [H] in the message...probably for anyone here).
im picking up the game tomorrow along with a few others, so ill probably get to it this weekend :D

as for the multiplayer, i've only played the betas and the final demo they had, though i played them extensively :) and didnt really have anything but fun while doing it

anyways, my psn id is xInViNciBlEx
Gametime: friday, saturday, and sunday, and sometimes during the weekdays
Timezone: eastern
psn insomnibyte
I play mainly on Friday nights after 10PM EST, and sparatically throughtout the week at the same times.
PSN: Malware

I play randomly, and not much anymore now that R&C is released tomorrow...
i will be getting it in the mail anyday now, looking for ppl to party up with, team deathmatch mostly

misterchef19 my PSN name
PSN is kampfy, I tend to play on and off after I get home, usually between 7-10PM EST. Leveling up is starting to feel like a chore though, so I'm not sure how much longer I'll be playing the game in general.
psn = ftard

picked up uncharted and borderlands, and mw2 tonight. Dont know many people with a ps3 so looking meet some folks for some strategic multiplayer
m4 > all

played online during the beta, a lot. When the full game released I beat the SP, and played around for 10 minutes the online, I was just bored. Coop players suck, I prefer deathmatch