Unconfirmed: 6800 hits 5ghz


Limp Gawd
Dec 23, 2005
So I was at the local Computer Builder's Warehouse today where one of the guys was talking to me about how there's some local guy that comes in there and got his hands on the developer x6800 a few weeks ago. After cooling it with Liquid Nitrogen he was able to get it up to 5ghz and it's pwning everything else in the known world. While I realize this is 3rd hand info that I can't confirm (and apparently he can't either, something about a different NDA which is stopping him from posting the test results. I dunno. I didn't ask), I figured it would be cool to pass it along regardless.
old old
here is a screen shot of coolaler breaking the 10s on super pi
9.828, Coolaler sets this magic number for SuperPI 1M with G.Skill F2-8000PHU2-2GBHZ
- Coolaler brings SuperPI 1M world record into a new stage –

30 Jun, 2006
The last day of first half 2006, SuperPI world record enters a hitherto unknown stage. Coolaler, the most famous worldwide enthusiast from Taiwan, becomes the first person who breaks 10 seconds in SuperPI 1M in the world. 9.828 becomes the most praise number in IT history.

Looks like its dual core enabled, its still selectable in cpu-z for information.
watch those, xtremesystems guys got their conroes way before release, so they're all step 4 and step 5 ES's. From what I've heard, the ES's overclock better than the retails by a little bit, but may have been just a rumor I heard.
quote -- "- Coolaler brings SuperPI 1M world record into a new stage –"

How much you wanna bet theres guys inside Intel and AMD that likely have some future cores that could put his #'s to shame!! Id love to know what goes on inside those high end R&D labs
gemini8026 said:
quote -- "- Coolaler brings SuperPI 1M world record into a new stage –"

How much you wanna bet theres guys inside Intel and AMD that likely have some future cores that could put his #'s to shame!! Id love to know what goes on inside those high end R&D labs

man, if i could get my hands on a yorksfield........ that'd be friggen insane. lol, 8 core processor
that is very impressive, even if it wasn't fully stable over 9ghz is a feat to be matched.
NulloModo said:
that is very impressive, even if it wasn't fully stable over 9ghz is a feat to be matched.

9ghz? what are you talking about? the netburst clock equivalency?