[UnConfirmed] Doom 4 leaked ScreenShots


Limp Gawd
Aug 27, 2005

DOOM 4 leaked ScreenShots

"Bethesda claims that Doom 4 has not been cancelled according to Game Informer's Jim Reilly, but did not dispute the legitimacy of the screenshots."

id Software's Matt Hooper via twitter: "Those images have nothing to do with what you're gonna see in Doom4. When we officially show things you'll see awesome."

- March 03, 2012 Update - Source

Here some more screenshots, assets, models & music.

DOOM 4 Music - 9MB
DOOM 4 170 ScreenShots - 102MB
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Many of the screens just look bad IMO. Doesn't look better then Rage
Looks pretty damn nice to me, whatever it is. I wasn't aware doom 4 took place on earth, but I'd certainly welcome an open environment as opposed to the claustrophobic nightmare that was doom 3.
All I can say is if this IS Doom4, I'm happy with the setting, but it still needs some polish.
The picture above looks like some type of concept art. The other pictures in the links look pretty nice, but not spectacular.

If those are Doom 4 screen shots, hopefully it's just the first level. If Doom doesn't take place on Mars, or in Hell, I don't want it.
I know that Doom 3 get's a lot of flack for being narrow and dark, but that actually kept it scary. This looks like a demon'd up version of Homefront.

After seeing the screenshots, I do not have high hopes. I really liked Doom 3, I hope the really open maps are for MP and not SP.

Edit: Here's to betting it feels and plays a lot like Painkiller (which in many ways is a bit more true to Doom than Doom 3 was). Starting to look like I won't be getting the Doom 3 sequel I had hoped for.
Well, DOOM 1 and DOOM 2 had parts of the game on earth. so this could just be the one chapter of the game that takes place here, and not Mars, hell or elsewhere.
Not really all that concerned about how these look. The game won't come out for another 4-5 years.
The screens don't look that good. My guess is that this is running on the same technology behind Rage. I hope they do something to raise the bar. I'm also not feeling the setting, it doesn't look fitting of a Doom game. Say what you will about the pitch black corridors of Doom 3, but there is no denying they were spooky. An open, well lit, post-apocalyptic earth just doesn't seem nearly as frightening. Take the scary out of Doom, and you just have another generic, on rails shooter.

Hopefully this is something else...
As for the setting... uhh.. how about a well lit Martian base with keys to open doors and traps and barrels and hundreds of enemies charging at you. That sounds like Doom to me. :)
To those complaining, Doom was never about graphics. Just pure gameplay/action.
To those complaining, Doom was never about graphics. Just pure gameplay/action.

That was...how many decades ago? Right now with the processing power on tap on any modern PC, there is no excuse to serve up craptastic graphics. Particularly from those who initially defined the genre.

IMO, id is pretty much dead to me. Unless they come out with something amazing, I'm not even going to bother.
That was...how many decades ago? Right now with the processing power on tap on any modern PC, there is no excuse to serve up craptastic graphics. Particularly from those who initially defined the genre.

IMO, id is pretty much dead to me. Unless they come out with something amazing, I'm not even going to bother.

Because staring at the walls/rocks/foliage is the only way to play the game.:rolleyes:
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People, relax. Go replay Doom 2.

The first couple of levels were just you running around apartment buildings and suburban areas, fighting the initial wave of demons. It gets much darker later on. These screenshots are probably just the first "act".

And about the graphics, id said they were targeting 30 FPS on consoles with their engine. Rage ran at 60 FPS, so it's no brainer that this game will look much better.
It looks more like Crysis 2 with a splash of Doom. That's about it.

I can't say I'm impressed when Crysis 2 has already done what they're showing in these screenshots.
Looks like Crysis to me. Nothing about the atmosphere of these screens says DOOM to me.
More like Doomed 4 if carmack thinks he can get away with them last gen graphics.
I like the screenshot of the hallway with blood on the walls. That is something I like to see in a Doom game.
Sorry, I think that the time for Doom has passed and it needs to be pushed out the door unless it can really revolutionize the FPS genre in some way again. I bet this will turn out to be another generic shooter with demons and zombies in a city environment. Yawn.
To those complaining, Doom was never about graphics. Just pure gameplay/action.

I think you are confusing Doom with something else. When Doom came out, it revolutionized the FPS genre in terms of gameplay AND graphics (first multilevel FPS with height). When Doom 3 came out, it pretty much blew everyone away at it's graphics. 8 years later on, many of the latest console graphics still look like Doom 3.
Sorry, I think that the time for Doom has passed and it needs to be pushed out the door unless it can really revolutionize the FPS genre in some way again. I bet this will turn out to be another generic shooter with demons and zombies in a city environment. Yawn.
I keep hearing this generic comment tied to such games, but how in the world is such a game generic these days? In the past five years, generic has meant cookie cutter "realistic" modern military shooter set in the desert. I'll take anything that deviates from that setting. It's even more over-saturated and tired than the WW2 setting was in the beginning of the century.
It's certainly id tech 5. I noticed a Rage asset in one of the shots — a tall grass texture — and it's definitely using virtual textures.

It's possible that this is Rage 2, however. Most of the id team went straight to work on Doom 4, while others began work on the Rage sequel. In either case, I wouldn't expect to see either game for at least another 18 months.
looks very Rage on some shots, or even Alan wake lol i wonder how this is going to turn out...
More like Doomed 4 if carmack thinks he can get away with them last gen graphics.

Haha :D

These look like source art to me, as an indicator of direction for the series I kind of like the move towards a more realistic setting.
Totaly offtopic but i really want to know :d how many copies did rage sale?comulituve sales pc,x-box and ps3. Rage got hammered hard,i'm just curious how much money it made :d
Except for the VE3D link posted, most of the images look terrible a la Rage.

I think Carmack made a mistake with this one if he's still going with MegaTexture, considering it's extremely dependent on hard drive speeds (and HDDs are the slowest part of the PC anyway).
so its doom on earth?
That guy is a moron.
oh when do we go into flashlight mode?

YES always on connection is the future.

RAGE did well enough for a sequel?

Meh, iD's name no longer has any positive marketing value with me. The Zenimax buyout, followed by RAGE killed that off. If/when the game comes out, I may/may not buy it depending on the user reviews, and whether it comes up cheap on a steam sale b4 I have totally forgotten about it..
That was...how many decades ago? Right now with the processing power on tap on any modern PC, there is no excuse to serve up craptastic graphics. Particularly from those who initially defined the genre.

IMO, id is pretty much dead to me. Unless they come out with something amazing, I'm not even going to bother.

^This. After RAGE, id is irrelevant to modern PC gaming. Cormack just wants to play with his model rockets, this is just a side job to him now. I bet this game even uses "megatextures" as well which is great for consoles, meh for PCs.