Unofficial Final Fantasy 7 remake in Unreal engine

My thought is simple: it's another unofficial remake that will never see the light of day.
Squares already done better with their FF7 PS3 tech demo.
Squares already done better with their FF7 PS3 tech demo.

Uh DUH. Might have something to do with the fact that Square is a Corporation and has ton of PS3 dev kits and these Spanish developers are little more than fans who are modding this on there own dime.

So far it looks good but Square/Sony will shut them down.
What was he trying to do by jumping on those boxes, did he think that's where he was supposed to go?
I'll give it a week before Square shuts them down.

Usually it would be more than a week. Companies typically only get involved if the fans have a realistic shot at releasing something to the public that would endanger their copyright. Shutting fan projects down almost always generates bad publicity, and most fan projects tend to fail on their own. By letting them live, you gamble on their upcoming failure so that A) you avoid getting the bad publicity, and B) you get the publicity for your game by their failure.
WHat is the obsession with remaking VII? Sure it was a good game, but do I really want to play the whole thing again? Probably, but theres already been 12048903584 games based off VII. It's like HL3 :D
Usually it would be more than a week. Companies typically only get involved if the fans have a realistic shot at releasing something to the public that would endanger their copyright. Shutting fan projects down almost always generates bad publicity, and most fan projects tend to fail on their own. By letting them live, you gamble on their upcoming failure so that A) you avoid getting the bad publicity, and B) you get the publicity for your game by their failure.
Uh DUH. Might have something to do with the fact that Square is a Corporation and has ton of PS3 dev kits and these Spanish developers are little more than fans who are modding this on there own dime.

Pretty much puts in perspective doesn't it? You actually think this project is going anywhere?
Pretty much puts in perspective doesn't it? You actually think this project is going anywhere?

If anything it will tell Square that a remake of FF7 is long over due and that we're sick of tech demo's much so that fans are even willing to risk legal action to make it happen.
Its too bad Square Enix will shut them down, with enough work they might be able to make something good, not saying that I exactly like the look of what they did so far.
On another note there was a Crono Trigger remake named Chrono Resurrection that looked very promising that Square shut down back in '04, I don't see this lasting too long though.
Its too bad Square Enix will shut them down, with enough work they might be able to make something good, not saying that I exactly like the look of what they did so far.
On another note there was a Crono Trigger remake named Chrono Resurrection that looked very promising that Square shut down back in '04, I don't see this lasting too long though.

Yeah. A real 3d remake of Chrono Trigger. They got some stuff done too, but Square Cease and Desisted them fast. This will propably happen with FFVII remake aswell, Squeenix failing to see that this is a tribute to them with not a single dime out of their wallets... :mad:
WHat is the obsession with remaking VII? Sure it was a good game, but do I really want to play the whole thing again? Probably, but theres already been 12048903584 games based off VII. It's like HL3 :D

exactly....leave it alone. A remake is really only going to ruin it, always does.
exactly....leave it alone. A remake is really only going to ruin it, always does.

In a case of FFVII, I have to disagree. Graphical update can only better it unless they also mess with the core gameplay. That game was buttugly when it was released, its even worse now as that era 3d graphics do not really age well if you ask my opinion. Definetly not timeless as old 2D RPGs are. Absolutely loved the game, but I was annoyed by the graphics back then (Owned PC version. God those backgrounds were pixelated mess) and would definetly like to see them improved.
In a case of FFVII, I have to disagree. Graphical update can only better it unless they also mess with the core gameplay. That game was buttugly when it was released, its even worse now as that era 3d graphics do not really age well if you ask my opinion. Definetly not timeless as old 2D RPGs are. Absolutely loved the game, but I was annoyed by the graphics back then (Owned PC version. God those backgrounds were pixelated mess) and would definetly like to see them improved.

problem is any remake ALWAYS messes with the core gameplay
Its too bad Square Enix will shut them down, with enough work they might be able to make something good, not saying that I exactly like the look of what they did so far.
On another note there was a Crono Trigger remake named Chrono Resurrection that looked very promising that Square shut down back in '04, I don't see this lasting too long though.

Hey, thanks for the note about Chrono Resurrection. I just checked out the site and watched their trailer. Terrible shame that. It looks like they spent a lot of time getting many of those sequences right. It's certainly is not perfect (as in WIP, like Magus' glove tightening gesture doesn't pop just right, and some other animation quibbles) but you can tell it was made by fans who wanted to do justice to the old series.

Whenever I see something like that, I always hope that what happens to those guys is the same thing that happens when Valve notices a particularly good mod; they hire everyone and complete the project. Sadly I don't think Square-Enix will do that in this case. I kind of wish they would keep working on it and just not tell anyone about it. Heh...

As for the remake of VII, I'm a part of the old school hating FF VII generation. It was a massive let down for me. I remember buying a PS1 just for that game, and really feeling like it paled in comparison to all the great Square RPG's of the SNES era (eg: FF IV, FF VI, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger) Still the PS1 era wasn't a complete failure. Xenogears is superb. If anyone is making a remake of anything for the PS1 days, Xenogears should be it. It had 3 dimensional rotation in exploration, and the Gears/environments would really lend themselves to a graphical update. Plus you know... a better story and a fun combat system.
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I played through the entirety of FF7 a couple summers ago. I used the PC version and some 3rd party mod that lets you run it in a window and any resolution. I practically 100%'d the game in like 30~ hours, both weapons beat, entire party more or less invincible. I went into it remembering almost nothing about the game and it was completely trivial to completely break it now. I probably could have beat the game by the end of the first disc, everyone was like level 50+, had omnislash and shit, 99 x-potions... I think I had nearly everyone 9999/999'd a little past the start of the 2nd disc. I figured out some silly combinations I never even thought of before, like attacking 5x in a row.

It was still a decent game but it has not aged flawlessly at all.

Also this looks like shit
The jumping on boxes to peak over the fence part looked fun...
The only gameplay tweak I would want would be a way to escape from summon animations. Who really wants to sit through Knights of the Round the 100th time?
The only gameplay tweak I would want would be a way to escape from summon animations. Who really wants to sit through Knights of the Round the 100th time?

First guy double casts Knights of the Round, second guy Mimic, third guy Mimic, go watch TV for a while.
So do I, but the reason Square shut them down is because they were planning on releasing the game for newer platforms.

Yeah, but they were direct ports (with couple of extra things IIRC), not full 3D remakes.
Yeah, but they were direct ports (with couple of extra things IIRC), not full 3D remakes.
Doesn't matter. A group of people were trying to give away the game for free while Square wanted to sell it.
FF7 needs to be left alone. If they could remake it by updating the graphics and leaving everything else EXACTLY the same, I'd say go for it. But we all know companies can't seem to do that, and Square Enix isn't and never will be what Squaresoft was.
I never understood the appeal of this game.

If you aren't into JRPG's you can't possibly. If you played it during its release and console games were your primary gaming outlet then it was one of the best RPG's you could get if you were into JRPG's.

But I do understand why people who aren't into it don't get all the fanfare that surrounds it.
If you aren't into JRPG's you can't possibly. If you played it during its release and console games were your primary gaming outlet then it was one of the best RPG's you could get if you were into JRPG's.

But I do understand why people who aren't into it don't get all the fanfare that surrounds it.

What the hell is a JRPG?