Unofficial 'This game sux' thread


Dec 13, 2000
Don't know if it's been tried before *cough*brokesearch*cough* but here's a thread of games that suck. I'm sure you've bought a game that looks good, and ends up sucking, so here's your chance to warn other people.

Try to keep flaming to a minimum, and try to give a reason why the game sucks. Don't just say "it sux because it does". I'll start:

Avoid Gothic 2 at all costs. The engine is horribly coded. I can't get playable frames with an AXP 1900+, Radeon 9500pro, 512MB DDR RAM. The framerate is the same ( ~13FPS) regardless of resolution, texture quality, or effects. A LOT of people have performance problems, mostly on high-end systems, so I know it's not just me. There's no hope for a patch, as the company seems to have a 'release and forget about it' mentality, as is evidenced by Gothic I, which has a LOT of critical bugs that will never be fixed.
soldier of fortune 2 for xbox and counter strike for xbox = suxxage

meh, Gothic II is one of my favorite rpgs, better than morrowind imo.

I got the uk version when it came out before it hit the states.

have had 0 problems with it.

Game runs fine on my system at full details (cept the view distance isn't all the way up)

p4 1.6a
Geforce 4 ti4600
512ddr ram
sb audigy
Tribes 2.

Because they took out trees, added fog, changed the tank from tracks to wheels, and other things to get more FPS in the course of the beta to cover up their horrible coding.

Everyone, and I mean everyone had UE's at one time or another, and most people had too many to count.

They re-did the score system, instead of getting a point for a cap, you got points to touch the flag. :rolleyes: It was too hard to cap because they overpowered the defense, mainly with turrents and the ELF.

They took out features that was supposed to be a huge part of the game, tmail and game forums.

Fired almost all of the original Tribes team.

But mostly because they took the sequel to the best team based online shooter of all time, and completly took everything out that made the first one so great.
Crazy Taxi for GCN. Loved it on the Dreamcast, when it was ported to GCN, the controls sucked ass.
Originally posted by Xenomaniac
Crazy Taxi for GCN. Loved it on the Dreamcast, when it was ported to GCN, the controls sucked ass.

That's odd, I thought it sucked on the Dreamcast, mostly because I thought the controls were lousy. I actually destroyed the GD-ROM in frustration.
Morrowwind is probably one of the worst games I've ever played. Just can't get into any pc rpgs (prefer console rpgs) and I thought it would change my mind. Boy was I wrong. Really boring game.
Enter The Matrix is the most recent game I bought that sucked. However, DX:IW was fun but very disappointing.

Strange some of the games mentioned here are some of the worlds best games ever :confused:
Every final fantasy that isn't 6, 7, or 9. Though 7 is the best of those 3 :)
Originally posted by fallguy
Tribes 2.

Because they took out trees, added fog, changed the tank from tracks to wheels, and other things to get more FPS in the course of the beta to cover up their horrible coding.

Everyone, and I mean everyone had UE's at one time or another, and most people had too many to count.

They re-did the score system, instead of getting a point for a cap, you got points to touch the flag. :rolleyes: It was too hard to cap because they overpowered the defense, mainly with turrents and the ELF.

They took out features that was supposed to be a huge part of the game, tmail and game forums.

Fired almost all of the original Tribes team.

But mostly because they took the sequel to the best team based online shooter of all time, and completly took everything out that made the first one so great.
As I remember, Tribes 2 did have trees. The default maps sucked some maybe I am remembering maps that were made by the modders. The engine was really really buggy and there were tons of cheaters in the game. The next game should be a huge improvement since it will be bassed on the Unreal engine.
Enter The Matrix sucked massive balls.

Tron 2.0 Multiplayer is pathetic, lonely, and worse than a sharp stick in the eye.

Solider of Fortune 2 blew chunks.

Start Trek Elite Forces 2 had boring level designs, B-movie plot, and was duller than oatmeal without sugar.
street legal and street legal: redline.. freaking bad coded and the patches made them worst :mad:
Unreal 2 - what a waste of £35 - although the recent multi-player release may just bring it back - not holding my breath though.

It was short, not very hard..... wait ... that might be me...
Originally posted by Luthorcrow
Tron 2.0 Multiplayer is pathetic, lonely, and worse than a sharp stick in the eye.

I agree the MP part of Tron was pretty sad, but I really enjoyed the SP campaign, which is why I bought the game in the first place. I thought the game was great and well worth the purchase, even without the MP.
Originally posted by Vexorg
That's odd, I thought it sucked on the Dreamcast, mostly because I thought the controls were lousy. I actually destroyed the GD-ROM in frustration.

Yah when I played it on the dreamcast, I could pull every stunt crazy thing they had. Then when I saw it for Gamecube for $10 (Black friday sale), I was like "Hey I liked the Dreamcast one, this one will be better!" The controls where hurting my hand so bad.
Originally posted by CypressTree
Woah... explanation please?

It was nothing new to Sons of Liberty and the controls really seemed odd to me. It was pretty lame and boring.
Originally posted by odoe
It was nothing new to Sons of Liberty and the controls really seemed odd to me. It was pretty lame and boring.

Ah, I see. I thought you didn't like the game itself. I could understand if you've played SOL before and were expecting a different experience.
Originally posted by Stiler
meh, Gothic II is one of my favorite rpgs, better than morrowind imo.

Agreed! finally someone that is smart. Gothic I was so amazing, when i heard that Gothic II was (finally!!!) going to be released it was awesome. Went threw and beat it already. game is the best!
Originally posted by goku238

for atari. hell ya. voted the worst game ever! i never had it. i was very young during that time. i had only pong and asteriods, and space invaders, and some basketball game, Larry bird vs michael jordan i think. i cant remember. i played more on comodore 64, then nintendo.
Mad Dog McCree, or something like that..
Dragons' lair..yuk!
vietcong(single player) i felt robbed
Any texted based mudd.
Dead to Rights on Xbox was pretty crappy.

Enter the Matrix really sucked too.
Starwars Knights of The old Republic, of course it will suck if you dont have the time to play it and thats me lol, i am just having as decorating object right now lol

anyway, black and white did certainly suck
deus ex invisible war was a pile of shit. i keep reading reviews where its getting 5/5 but the was horrible

counter strike aint shit!!!

LONG LIVE TETRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by CypressTree
I agree the MP part of Tron was pretty sad, but I really enjoyed the SP campaign, which is why I bought the game in the first place. I thought the game was great and well worth the purchase, even without the MP.

I completely agree except that I expecting the multiplayer to be good. Particularly after they made such a big deal about the XP thing and sent me junk mail.

Also, I think this game really showed off the LithTech 2 engine. This was one of the few new games for Q3/Q4 of this year that I was able to turn up to 1600x1200 with all the effects and not get piss poor FRs.
halo for PC.

only game i've ever bought and said "man i wish i hadn't have bought this game" quite literally the day i got home and installed it.