Unreal Engine 4 Shown At GDC

Like I said, glad they are catching up, but it's nothing revolutionary. Seen these things in other game engines already.

Most of the features in the article read like the boasts that Crytek had for Cryengine 3 a few years ago.
I had to laugh when Epic said that Kelper cards are capable of running UE4 only, what a load of bullshit.

But other than that the graphics look nice, but I doubt Epic is going to make any games for PCs soon with this engine, who knows?
I had to laugh when Epic said that Kelper cards are capable of running UE4 only, what a load of bullshit.

But other than that the graphics look nice, but I doubt Epic is going to make any games for PCs soon with this engine, who knows?

It's actually pretty likely that they may in order to market the engine to other developers prior to the launch of the next set of consoles (provided they can actually run UE4 that is).
I had to laugh when Epic said that Kelper cards are capable of running UE4 only, what a load of bullshit.

But other than that the graphics look nice, but I doubt Epic is going to make any games for PCs soon with this engine, who knows?

Unless the engine requires some tylor if on chore logic to run, he was talking out of his ass again. He also said a while back that ati (amd now) wouldnt be able to run ue3 games well either. Considering all the ue3 titles on the xbox id say that nvidia is paying them to say thos crap.
Never cared for tournament games,never will. Until they come up with a worthy successor to the original Unreal,it doesn't matter how good an engine they come up with.
Never cared for tournament games,never will. Until they come up with a worthy successor to the original Unreal,it doesn't matter how good an engine they come up with.

It would blow my mind if they'd make a new Unreal game that wasn't part of the "Tournament" universe. They'd have to make more than just a pretty shooter for that to be anything important in today's world, though. I doubt they'd bother, unfortunately. Unreal was amazing back in the day, but that was a totally different time. *sigh* Nostalgia...
I was hoping to see huge world maps that go from indoor to outdoor without load screens.
How about AI? NPC's you could carry on a conversation with and would never hear the same fricken script a MILLION TIMES OVER AND OVER!!!!!!!
instead we get glowing floating particles that react with their environment in real time. yeah im excited about that. Man.. i fricken hate consoles.
: oh yeah, and if you want to play with those cute little floating particles, your going to need a new pc.
Let's hope unreal 4 supports proper MSAA without white artifacts from deferred rendering.
UE just NOW supports dynamic lighting? Wow Epic is behind

And Tessellation? Other engines have been doing this already....

Glad they are finally catching up though

No, but UE3 was still a forward renderer at heart, dynamic lighting didn't scale well. Nothing was stopping you from using it, but it was heavy on performance since you have to redraw the mesh for each dynamic light it is hit by. Render cost quickly skyrockets, especially when you start throwing tessellated stuff into the mix and you're soon eating millions of triangles worth of hidden costs among other things.

They added a deferred rendering path (DX11 only, which may mean they are dropping the DX9 path for good come UE4) in UE 3.96231289 or whatever the fuck they called the version with the Samaritan demo. They also used tessellation in a neat way there -- for the smoke from the cigarette. I'm guessing those billion particles swarming around the eyes and stuff in this demo aren't really particles but just another version of how they handled the smoke. Or maybe I'm wrong, but whatever they are doing there is definitely looking like a generational leap.

The rest doesn't look particularly amazing but I'll wait for a better demo.
I'm guessing the particle system they've built uses geometry shaders. Probably nothing terribly impressive in terms of rendering, but the actual particle simulation system may be pretty interesting.
UT3 is still great at LAN parties. Because it's a real LAN game... OMGBBQ
I pray to God for Unreal Tournament 4 on the new graphics engine(UE4). Hopefully they will get things right this time. Skip building off of UT3 and take a look back at the better Unreal Tournament games like UT2004 and the first one.
uh remember unreal II? thats right, neither does anybody else. they wont try that again

I sure do. I also specifically remember thinking "you know, I really wish Epic had made this instead of Legend."

So yes, I still want Epic to make a new Unreal, considering they really didn't have anything to do with the sequel.
is there a video for this yet some were cause i cant seem to find it if there is one. screen shots can only show so much need to see a video