Unreal Price Quad Core! AMD AGENA 9600 Quad Core $85 after instant coupon

I didn't even realize it was the black edition. Will these OC at all?

Also, any cheap (really cheap) mobo recommendations? Like around $50?

I'm thinking about building a box for my dad around this.

mine would go to 2.6 at stock voltage, 2.7 with mild voltage increase. it would not OC past 2.4 in vista 64
I have the gigabyte board that OP mentioned in his post. Pretty good deal nice stable board. Check the combo deals. You lose the coupon but can pick addition savings.
Bit on this deal. It runs. Couldn't OC it at all. It is stable though, but aside from being Quad Core, isn't offering too much of a boost over my x2 4000+. My own fault for hitting buy on the great price before reading up on it.

Contacted Newegg for RMA/Return and am debating whether or not to just drop a few extra bucks on a Phenom II and follow through on the RMA.
I put a rig together for my dad.

Corsair 400W PSU: $30 after MIR
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139008&Tpk=corsair 400w

Open Box ASUS mobo: $50

4GB Corsair DDR2: $20 after MIR

All in, a great general purpose PC for not much money.

Like Max said, I didn't get much of an OC out of it. I was able to bump up the multi from 11.5 to 12.5 for a final speed of 2.5ghz vs 2.3ghz stock, all at stock volts. Any higher multis or FSB increase resulted in instability, regardless of voltages.
Personally I'd rather have a Phenom II X3 710 for not that much more. The 9600 is quad core but other than that it sucks. Phenom II has addressed most of the issues with the original Phenoms.
Personally I'd rather have a Phenom II X3 710 for not that much more. The 9600 is quad core but other than that it sucks. Phenom II has addressed most of the issues with the original Phenoms.
you're right, but it is $45 more than the 9600. That's more than a 50% increase in price, and when you're building a budget rig, you have to make cuts like that
you're right, but it is $45 more than the 9600. That's more than a 50% increase in price, and when you're building a budget rig, you have to make cuts like that

If you're that serious about making a 'budget' rig, then the first question you should've asked is whether you absolutely needed to have a quad-core or not. What is your dad going to do with the computer that requires 4 cores?

If I were on a budget and wanted to save every penny possible, I'd have knocked it down to a dual-core or a tri-core at best. I mean, for the price of the 9600, you could've gotten a 3GHz Athlon X2 and still saved over $20, the X2 probably would've beaten the hell out of the 9600 in most of the applications your dad would be using anyway.
He's running folding at home on it which takes full advantage of 4 cores
For gaming rigs, I make Intel/Nvidia.

For affordable media/HTPC's, I use AMD/ATi.

AMD doesn't suck, they're just good for other types of builds.

You've been using nVidia for gaming rigs? Why? nVidia has been getting outmaneuvered by ATi for a while now.