Unresolved Issues with seller

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Apr 12, 2004
Hello. I'm just looking for advice here from the top dogs. I've been around these forums for a while and have done business with a few of the members here. I recently bought a MB from a seller and have been less than pleased with how it's turned out so far. When I received the mb, i noticed that there were two good size gouges on the back, like a screwdriver slip. I have been assured that the mb works, but since the seller neglected to include the heatsink backplate, I can't even test it. The i/o shield is missing as is the manual. The mb came bare, no static bag on it, in the retail box and with three crossthreaded screws still dangling from edges. I have sent numerous pm's to this seller and I know that he has read them and has visited this site in the meantime but he will not get back to me. Today, I was still hoping to get the backplate, which he said he would send off ASAP, but it didn't arrive. Earlier I wrote him stating that I am going to box this thing back up and send it back to him. I paid with Paypal and he is PP verified. He lives in LA and I'm in Orange County. I have his address, his paypal info, and his AOL email. I fully realize I should have had him send first and pay afterward but I got careless. In what direction do you think I need to go with this? Any advice would be appreciated.
File a dispute claim with paypal. Continue to try to contact him and keep records of your emails to him for future purposes. Paypal will freeze his account until this is sorted out. Don't do anything that can legally be bad for you (threaten physical harm, harassment, etc..). It is tough to keep your cool since you are being trolled but for legal purposes, keep your end of the conversation cordial yet stern. Keep records. Take pictures of all received items. If you have not done so, DO NOT throw away the packaging.
If you still have his old emails keep them. Also, if he shipped via US Postal service, use his email and the discrepancy between what he stated would be in the sale versus what was shipped to you and file a USPS mail fraud. If I understand the statute correctly, mail fraud is when someone use the USPS to misinform and ship items that are not what was intended.
If it has been more than 2 weeks and you still have not heard anything from him, contact trollhunters over at anandtech.com forum. Although this trade might have occurred in this forum, I think the trollhunters will still help you as they hate trolls.
Finally, if all fails, file a police report against him at his local PD. Chances are, they will not do anything but if he has a habit of doing this, he will eventually have a file.
Remember, harassment is bad, creating a legal nuisance is OK.
Good luck...
PS. what kind of motherboard is it. I have a asus P4P800 deluxe that is dead. I may have the backing and the backplate if you need it.
I took the next step and informed the seller, via his email addy, about what Magnuspah recommended I should do. I pretty much just copied it. Remarkably, the seller finally got back to me stating he could not find said part and that he would refund my money ASAP. I'm not sure when ASAP is, but at least there is some communication. I will update when I get a refund.
Yeah...keep up the pressure. Amazingly, it will take more as most sellers who contemplate "trolling" will require more to actually follow through with shipping the items out. It is like a tag of war between their desire to troll you and your desire to really make-them-pay (legally)....As my old evolutionary bio prof used to say..."everything is really dictated by cost-and-benefit analysis". As long as you are willing to incur greater cost to the bad seller to the benefit that person will have, chances are you will get your item. Theory does not apply to obstinate criminals or abnormally psychologically inclined people though.
i sent him a PM to post here but he was on today and didnt reply, if he doesnt in the next day or so ill get an Admin involved
Just want to pump to keep this up....
Also, now that CDS is involved, watch out....

BTW, that is is a cool name: CDS...
He still hasn't contacted me so I suppose I'm gonna get Paypal involved. I just don't get the spotty communication and the fact that he comes by the site but just blows it off, weird to me, I dunno. It's not like I don't have his return address on the package it came in.
Return address is very good for filing with the police.
You might want to also try trollhunters.com if you haven't already. They are very aggressive and have a good reputation at getting results.
Rhentno said:
I got a refund! Yeah! Thanks, you guys, for the tips. I owe ya one!

i think he should be named so other traders know who to be cautious for :eek:
topcat989 said:
i think he should be named so other traders know who to be cautious for :eek:

name him/her
i need to add to my DNT list
the next entry will be 200
kinda sad really
199 bad traders
The trader in question was FRZ. I seriously would not trade with this individual again. Even though I did get a refund, eventually, it was a hassle and a half. I think his biggest fault was communication, which was basically non-existant. No way to track him either because he uses a company name, Burnout Communications, on his Paypal so you can't even get his real name. It may work out better for you. Get the item first, then pay is my advice.
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