Upcoming 360 games


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 22, 2004
A lot of cool games coming out in the next few months for 360!

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warrior

Full Auto

ES: Oblivion

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

Burnout Revenge

Moto GP 2006 (!!)

Fight Night Round 3

Test Drive: Unlimited (MMO racing game!)

Top Spin 2

The Outfit

All of these games should be out by June
I'm waiting for the next installment of NCAA Football. Anyone know when that will be out?
You left off College Hoops 2K6, Oblivion, and Full Auto all three will be out in a month and a half.
Erasmus354 said:
You left off College Hoops 2K6, Oblivion, and Full Auto all three will be out in a month and a half.

Full Auto doesn't deserve to be up there! :D I'll put the other two up
[T5K]thrasher said:
hrm.. Im concerned.. only yearly sports titles, ports and rehashes..


Yes, lets all be concerned....Barely 3 months into the consoles life.....Everyone....we should be deeply concerned :rolleyes:
I'm getting Oblivion and all first person shooters that come out for my PC(FPS on console = :( ), but I'm definitely picking up Test Drive and Burnout.

Overall I'd have to say I'm not very impressed with the Xbox 360 games right now and I don't see any amazing games on the horizon that aren't also available for the PC.
I loved motoGP from the original xbox....im down for that.

also, fight night R3 demo is tons of fun....ill be getting that as well.
I can't wait for Test Drive and The Outfit! Those games are gonna ROCK [H]ARD! I'm also awaiting the next Sonic game, Gears of War, and Resident Evil 5...... :eek: can't wait, can't wait!
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Full Auto doesn't deserve to be up there! :D I'll put the other two up

Sure it does. It's due out before June, which is what your list is of.

Plus, even if you don't like it, that doesn't mean no one does ;)
I am so glad I bought this thing! BF2 kicks the shit outta how it looke on my PC. All of the nay-sayers- I'm playing, you're waiting....Me FTW! :D
Haha, the guy in that Top Spin picture looks like Quentin Tarantino...

Anyways, I'm waiting for pretty much all of those.
[T5K]thrasher said:
hrm.. Im concerned.. only yearly sports titles, ports and rehashes..


That is the most pointless and overused argument. Just because a game is a sports game doesn't make it bad. Just because a game is a sequel doesn't make it bad either. Original IP doesn't sprout up out of the blue and is always harder to find. Especially with the saturation video games have reached in the market. If you are looking for original games go play Kameo, it is a great game. But please people, stop using the "Oh noes there is a numbAr at the end of it, that game is teh sux!" argument, it simply doesn't hold water.

If you have played the FNR3 demo you would understand that it is a great game despite it being a sequel. I dont see people complaining about Oblivion being a sequel, or refusing to buy Half-Life 2 because it is a sequel. Sequels aren't bad, people who take an IP and half-ass it out the door expecting it to sell on name alone is bad.

PS. Could you please shrink the pics to half their current size Circuitbreaker?
Firewall said:
I am so glad I bought this thing! BF2 kicks the shit outta how it looke on my PC. All of the nay-sayers- I'm playing, you're waiting....Me FTW! :D
Wait till you take it home and play it before saying anything.
Doctored PR shots FTL
Killdozer said:
Wait till you take it home and play it before saying anything.
Doctored PR shots FTL

Yawn, that is what all the phan-boys said about FN3, and every other 360 game. The 360 delievered plain and simple. Show me your console.
Interesting. I sincerely want to find out how BF2 performs on the console. Considering how hard it is to hit anything with a mouse, how would it do with a joypad?

Then again, BF2 isn't really as fast paced as other FPSes so it might actually work.
What sucks is the timing on the release of some of those games. I can't believe Oblivion is coming out towards the end of my spring break which means it will be summer before I have a chance to get some serious marathon gaming sessions with it in.

I've already got Oblivion CE and Prey pre-ordered.

I'm also looking foward to Tomb Raider Legends,
Test Drive Unlimited
and all the good stuff!

I also can't wait to see Ghost Recon from Ubisoft as those latest screenshots look way too good to be real.
You left Ghost Recon Adavanced Warfighter off.

It is coming in March and there are some awesome movies showing the MP. Screenshots don't even compare to what it looks like in motion.

And I thought I remember TestDrive being pushed to June.
I have no clue when it is coming out but I am looking forward to Alan Wake in addition to all of the game mentioned already. And no mention of Gears of War? :D
Killdozer said:
Wait till you take it home and play it before saying anything.
Doctored PR shots FTL

Isn't that what everyone said about PGR3, PD:Z, Madden ( character models ), NBA etc...

Oh, and yeah...thats how they looked on my setup! Go figure! :rolleyes:
jtsnewo4 said:
I have no clue when it is coming out but I am looking forward to Alan Wake in addition to all of the game mentioned already. And no mention of Gears of War? :D

Alan Wake is scheduled Q1 06, no solid date. I am sure it will be out before June.

Gears of War comes out in June. This thread is pre-june... hence no mention.
I am going to be spending a lot of money this year. I want GR:AW, Full Auto, TES:O, BF2:MC, Burnout: Revenge, Fight Night Round 3, and The Outfit. If I have any money left over I will get Test Drive: Unlimited. Man, I love the Xbox 360. It is amazing. These games are wicked crazy. I have never been interested in so many games on any other console. This is next generation. If only games wer cheaper. :/
snackcakeofd00m said:
I am going to be spending a lot of money this year. I want GR:AW, Full Auto, TES:O, BF2:MC, Burnout: Revenge, Fight Night Round 3, and The Outfit. If I have any money left over I will get Test Drive: Unlimited. Man, I love the Xbox 360. It is amazing. These games are wicked crazy. I have never been interested in so many games on any other console. This is next generation. If only games wer cheaper. :/

You better get MotoGP 06'! :D
Look at all those jaggies! :eek:
lol I'm kidding. Circuitbreaker8, I'm impressed. You posted mostly (or all) real screenshots this time around, depite the "2nd person" view on some of them (they do look to be made with the game engine, regardless). Most of them look pretty decent as well, though thrasher does have a point about sequels and multiplatform ports, as most of them are. Still, the more software there is to choose from, the better for everyone unless it's crap :)
yeah, i'm really excited about up coming titles in general. Since the 360 stands alone as far as next-gen consoles go, software support is obviously going to be lacking for the time being. Developing video games is a business, and if only a few hundred thousand people have 360s, but millions still have ps2s that are being actively used it's obvious which platform companies are going to be developing games for. Every system launch since the 16-bit era has been criticized for its software lineup on release but, with few exceptions, all of the major players ended up having hundreds of titles released over their lifespan, some obviously better than others, some having new original content, some that are just refreshed franchise titles, and some games that are just downright crap (ahem, Superman 64, *cough*). Its just like DVDs with movies. I purchased one of JVCs first consumer grade dvd players, and for the first maybe year or so i was stuck choosing between 50 or so movies that had actually been released in the format (when best buys looked like warehouses full of VHS tapes) whereas now, as the dvd install base has skyrocketed, so has title support... it's all in due time
I'll be getting everyone of these games w/ the exception of the FPS probably...although we'll see...I might end up getting them but if I do they'll be used copies on ebay.

All games...not just these. There are a ton more other than what's pictured. The next few months are going to give us a lot of great releases.
WorldRunner said:
I'll be getting everyone of these games w/ the exception of the FPS probably...although we'll see...I might end up getting them but if I do they'll be used copies on ebay.

All games...not just these. There are a ton more other than what's pictured. The next few months are going to give us a lot of great releases.

Just try gamelfy, I gave it a go and it works great. Plus, if you keep them, its cheap. 42 dollars for condemed if I wanted to keep it and it was scratchless.

There is a pic of College Hoops, the Pontiac Virtual Final Four sounds like a nice touch.
So much to buy... so much to buy.

Oblivian and Burnout I am already sold on. I will be picking those up the day they are available. However, Full Auto, MotoGP, Test Drive, and The Outfit are all games that really intrest me. Here's to hopeing for demos of the later three so I can give them a test drive.

EDIT: Here's something to think about BTW. Notice that The Outfit and Full Auto are the two games people are looking forward to the least, and they are the only two that aren't a port or sequal.
What I don't get about all these people who want to basht the 360 because they prefer the PC or another console -

Why is ANYONE surprised that a 7800GTX or X1900XT (pretty close to 360s GPU) can pull off great graphics like the 360 currently is doing?

Why would a PC guy say that the console that has (basically) his exact video card sucks on graphics?

I can understand the debate about KB&M vs. a gamepad for certain types of games, but graphics?

C'mon! They are sporting the best of the best available video cards!! (for now anyway...)
I can't wait for -

Alan Wake
The Battle for Middle Earth 2 (I am giving EA a chance to prove a working control scheme on a gamepad)
Oblivion (I will probably get this for the PC though)
Frame City Killer
Resident Evil 5
Martyr said:
less bump mapping pls
Yeah, I'll agree to that... and the stupid blur (NBA game above is a great example of a poorly done real-time/real-time cgi enhanced cutscene, as it's obviously not gameplay footage). I'm sick of those types of screenshots (I NEVER believe them). I want gameplay footage, complete with OSD stats (as a couple of them here are), otherwise it could be a cutscene for all we know, and those are often enhanced in some way.

Json, you can't easily compare the architectuers of ANY of these consoles to similar PC parts (despite similar graphic technologies) especially in the CPU arena (if you tried to, you'd certainly be giving the PC fan-boys gloating material, and the console fan-boys would make it into an all-out flamewar). These types of topics and discussions are best left ignored.
Firewall said:
Just try gamelfy, I gave it a go and it works great. Plus, if you keep them, its cheap. 42 dollars for condemed if I wanted to keep it and it was scratchless.

I do use gamefly.
steviep said:
Look at all those jaggies! :eek:
lol I'm kidding. Circuitbreaker8, I'm impressed. You posted mostly (or all) real screenshots this time around, depite the "2nd person" view on some of them (they do look to be made with the game engine, regardless). Most of them look pretty decent as well, though thrasher does have a point about sequels and multiplatform ports, as most of them are. Still, the more software there is to choose from, the better for everyone unless it's crap :)

Impressed? Didn't you talk sh1t about PGR3 when I was posting shots....calling them pre-renders and what not. Then the game came out, people posted screens, and you(and all the other haters) got owned prettttty bad.
The BF2 shot is interesting.

I'm not sure if that's a screenshot of the actual game or a canned image - I thinking the latter.

I have the PC game and it does not have the details that the image above has.