Update Leaves Early Blu-ray Adopters Out In The Cold&#63

"They knew what they were getting into" translated really means "We won over Hollywood, so eat shit and suck it down, motherfuckers!" :p
Early adopters deserve this for not being educated on a non finalized format. Early blu-ray movies sucked in quality too because of not having their shit together. really sucks that they are becoming the standard now.

But then again the same argument ALMOST can be said for hd-dvd.

Everyone gets screwed. woohoo!

Nope. can't be said for HD-DVD. HD-DVD players have an Ethernet port built in to connect to the intarwebz to get updates. :D
How do you add a ethernet port, harddrive and second decoder via a firmware update? Those 3 things are all hardware. If you know how to make hardware appear with a firmware update, I would like for you to make me a firmware update that gives me dual quad core CPUs, 8 GB ram and SLI 8800 ultras.

My HD-DVD player has an ethernet port, a 2nd decoder for PIP, etc... and it was only $199.

So for $400-800 like most of the early adopters paid for BR players they should have been able to have all of that.
Nope. can't be said for HD-DVD. HD-DVD players have an Ethernet port built in to connect to the intarwebz to get updates. :D
ZOMGZ. It'll plug into the tubes man. :cool:

I honestly don't care at this point in time. I watch everything on my computer. I wont own a REAL TV until I find where the hell I'm going to live. Then I'll worry about the current state of HD and what to buy.
Its a shame that consumers have become the latest free and expendable Beta Testers of the 21st century. Comparing this to VHS vs. Betamax isn't even close. Those standards didn't change from conception to consumer. The media used in both was also backward compatible.
The HD format war is kinda like dating...

BluRay is kinda like those crazy redheads that might chop your junk off. Always changing their minds, don't like learning new tricks, keep saying their sooooo great, and it costs so much to keep them happy.

HD DVD is like that cute, nerdy librarian that'll do you on command. She doesn't have what you don't need, doesn't cost you tons of money, and always keeps track of the newest and latest things that'll keep you happy.

The HD format war is kinda like dating...

BluRay is kinda like those crazy redheads that might chop your junk off. Always changing their minds, don't like learning new tricks, keep saying their sooooo great, and it costs so much to keep them happy.

HD DVD is like that cute, nerdy librarian that'll do you on command. She doesn't have what you don't need, doesn't cost you tons of money, and always keeps track of the newest and latest things that'll keep you happy.

BluRay is kinda like those crazy redheads that might chop your junk off. Always changing their minds, don't like learning new tricks, keep saying their sooooo great, and it costs so much to keep them happy.

I have to disagree. Crazy redheads like to learn new tricks ;)
The movies will still play. You're not out in the cold, you just won't get all the newest features. This happens ALL THE TIME. Buy a new car and the next version has an integrated iPod dock or heads up navigation.... do you complain? No, because you knew the capabilities of what you were buying when you bought it. Just because they're adding new features in 1.1 and 2.0 doesn't mean you have any fewer features than when you bought. If they made the discs incompatible, then I could definitely understand your frustration. But they didn't and they're not.
The HD format war is kinda like dating...

BluRay is kinda like those crazy redheads that might chop your junk off. Always changing their minds, don't like learning new tricks, keep saying their sooooo great, and it costs so much to keep them happy.

HD DVD is like that cute, nerdy librarian that'll do you on command. She doesn't have what you don't need, doesn't cost you tons of money, and always keeps track of the newest and latest things that'll keep you happy.


Good analogy.
The movies will still play. You're not out in the cold, you just won't get all the newest features. This happens ALL THE TIME. Buy a new car and the next version has an integrated iPod dock or heads up navigation.... do you complain? No, because you knew the capabilities of what you were buying when you bought it. Just because they're adding new features in 1.1 and 2.0 doesn't mean you have any fewer features than when you bought. If they made the discs incompatible, then I could definitely understand your frustration. But they didn't and they're not.

Your car analogy is wrong.

It's more along the lines of last year's car model running on gas but this year's model putting along on gas but running great on E85.
Your car analogy is wrong.

It's more along the lines of last year's car model running on gas but this year's model putting along on gas but running great on E85.

BD disks aren't an option for BD players, they're a requirement. Just like gas is a requirement for a car.
BD disks aren't an option for BD players, they're a requirement. Just like gas is a requirement for a car.

They are not a requirement. The player functions just fine with DVD's. If it didnt play DVD's and just played BD then yes it would be.
They are not a requirement. The player functions just fine with DVD's. If it didnt play DVD's and just played BD then yes it would be.

But then why would you spend $400 on a BD player when you can get a $50 upconverting DVD player? :p
Not true. HD-DVD is backwards compatible with the older standards when they make updates. It is piss poor planning on Sony's part that seems responsible for this.

Hmm, not sure how many times this needs to be said, but Sony doesn't own or run Blu-Ray Disc, nor the BDA. Piss poor planning by Sony is what's allowing PS3's to be updated. Sony came up with the tech (with Pio I believe), as they are always innovating, but there were 9 or so initial members of the BDA.

And I'm not sure how early adopters are getting the shaft when the movies apparently will play just fine. If I'm watching a movie and someone hits Picture in Picture that someone is getting socked in the head. Early adopters always miss out somehwat in features and price and value. When has this been different?
I know right? The movies will work fine. Its funny how many un educated people will post and bash everything here. Its freaking hilarious to read some of these posts.
If it wasn't a finalized spec then why the hell is the new spec called 2.0? shouldn't it be called 1.0 and the previous spec be called 0.x?

I had no idea that there were Beta players AND movies out there being sold. before today show me anywhere that shows the players and movies and being pre-finalized other then some obscure website that most consumers know anything about.

That's too funny. I wonder how many standalone blu-ray players would have been sold if they had been branded Profile 0.x or Beta?

I wonder what kind of backlash there's going to be when consumers buy a profile 2.0 player , 2.0 discs, enjoy them and buy 1.0 discs later? Thankful? Well maybe thankful that they didn't by a 1.0 player. :p
The HD format war is kinda like dating...

BluRay is kinda like those crazy redheads that might chop your junk off. Always changing their minds, don't like learning new tricks, keep saying their sooooo great, and it costs so much to keep them happy.

HD DVD is like that cute, nerdy librarian that'll do you on command. She doesn't have what you don't need, doesn't cost you tons of money, and always keeps track of the newest and latest things that'll keep you happy.


This is sooo going on a T-shirt!
For people who knew these "advanced" features were coming, but were too stupid to not read up about early BR player spec, this sucks. How many people is that? I know there are plenty of people who really get into the bonus featurs on a movie disk, but for the most part wouldn't these be the same people who would know about these problems to begin with.

Most consumers, which would also be the non-early adopters, couldn't give two shits about being able to go online with their BR player. They just want to watch the movie. Yes, a little more warning to the general consumer would have been better pratice for the BR Association. In the end though, you can still watch the movie, which is the point of buying it in the first place.

My personal opinion is that they should get rid of bonus features all together and lower the production cost and in the end, the cost to the consumer for the movie. I don't care how they made the movie, if I wanted to know I would be willing to buy a seperate disk or pay to d/l the making ofs on my computer.
Ok, heres a question for those who know more than me (most)

Im about to drop around 4k+ on a tv and and either an HD DVD player or BLU RAY player.
I see the way the wind is blowing with hddvd vs. blu ray, so im inclined to get a blu ray player, but this bullshit "well fuck the consumer" attitude im reading isnt really warming the cockles of my heart.

Yes, i said cockles.

If I buy a decent 400 dollar BD player on store shelves now, am i going to be fucked?
If I buy a decent 400 dollar BD player on store shelves now, am i going to be fucked?

The most future proof Blu-Ray player is the PS3 at the moment. However, it does have some HD audio limitations that may or may not sway you.
The most future proof Blu-Ray player is the PS3 at the moment. However, it does have some HD audio limitations that may or may not sway you.

If it cant do 7.1, ill live. Im not inclined to ask my girl if we can mount a speaker above the damn couch.

If I buy a decent 400 dollar BD player on store shelves now, am i going to be fucked?

I believe the Bluray player I have is able to upgrade IIRC. You just have to shop around, avscience is your friend, check them out.
Article seemed to go both ways on a question I have. It looks like they are saying newer movies will not play on the old players when the 2.0 standard comes out. Is this right or will they play the movies but not the special features and whatnot?

The article is wrong.

Beta news is something of an Anti BD site so they blow this stuff way out of proportion. It is becoming the favorite blog spam for anti-BD zealots.

Look around for less biased sites explanations of the profiles like HD Digest, or AVS forums.

Profile 1.0 players (almost all standalone players out there) will keep playing movies and standard extras you just wont get 1.1 feature of PIP (because they players don't have dual decoders), or 2.0 internet connectivity (because there is no internet connectivity hardware).

If you bought an older player without PIP and you want PIP you need a new player. PIP might be nice on a rare occasion but I wouldn't buy a new player for it, or get upset that my old player that never did PIP didn't magically start doing it.

Internet connectivity for my player I really don't want, but again if anyone somehow expected old player to sprout internet connections they bring a whole new level of clue less to the equation.

Bottom line this does not concern playback for movies or normal extras. Just PIP extras. Go read reviews of new profile 1.1 movies with PIP like Sunshine. No complaints about older players there.
? so u knew this was going to happen?............

Yes I did. I read about this on a web site some months ago that was comparing the two formats in technical detail. Concerns about specification updates to Blu-Ray causing compatibility issues with some disks was brought up as one reason why HD-DVD was a better format.

For the record I don't necessarily believe that is true. The two are very comparable. Though I prefer the audio implementation of HD-DVD to Blu-Ray as Blu-Ray disks' audio seems to vary in format quite a bit from what I've read. HD-DVD seemed more standardized on the approach to audio specifications. However we all know or at least most of us know that Blu-Ray disks hold more. So I always saw appeal in Blu-Ray for games and usage on the computer for simple storage to replace the aging CD-R/CD-RW and DVD-R/RW+/- formats.
The most future proof Blu-Ray player is the PS3 at the moment. However, it does have some HD audio limitations that may or may not sway you.

Limitations are that it doesn't send TrueHD over HDMI for your receiver to decode (but it does decode and send as LPCM) and that it doesn't decode or send DTS-MA. Oh, and no analog outputs.

So there limitations but only the pickiest of the picky will be deterred. I.e., you have to have DTS Master Audio.
Yes, becase Sony owns and runs Blu-Ray :rolleyes: *sarcasm*

And where did I say that?? "Sony type of response" meaning arrogant and stupid. And even though there are other companies involved in the whole BD thing....no one pushes it more than Sony, so you could say that they are running the show. I didnt see Matsushita pumpin millions of $ into the movie studios so they adopt the format.
As much as I like to laugh at the people paying 400 bucks for a BD player and then double regular price for dvds at a higher resolution (50%+ have a tv too small or sit too far back to tell the difference), I must side with blue-ray here. The player you bought doesn everything it was advertised to and will continue to do so. New players can do more. Thats how it goes in the tech world.

Anway, who wants PIP commentary or internet connections that allow them to better advertise to you?
It's funny seeing people bitch about technology upgrades on a tech forum.

No player will become obsolete. It will still play movies.

Did people shit a brick when progressive scan or upscaling DVD players came out?

BTW your computer is obsolete, so you might want to start a thread crying about how those bastards at NVIDIA/ATI/AMD/INTEL/Microsoft keep coming out with new products, screwing you over.
Not true. HD-DVD is backwards compatible with the older standards when they make updates. It is piss poor planning on Sony's part that seems responsible for this.

Opps I was a little to vague on what I meant. Blu-ray beating out sales of HD-DVD meaning people not learning about it. Early adopters of HD-DVD ALMOST doing the same thing since basically either format was up in the air. I wasn't talking about the technical aspects of it all. More of the consumer and studios backing.
so let me get this straight though, the PS3 will be able to be continually upgraded uncluding to 2.0 right?
so let me get this straight though, the PS3 will be able to be continually upgraded uncluding to 2.0 right?
Yeah, 2.0 just add internet connectivity. Which a PS3 already has.

1.1 just added things like PiP and some menu fluff.

All movies will still play in every player.