Update on father...slowing of PPD...for now.


Oct 8, 2004
Today my father was put on hospice. The cancer has spread too much, and the pain is unbearable without medications like morphine. He can't sleep more than 2 hours at a time, and its getting too exhausting for him to walk anymore. Time is short and too many words still to be said to say goodbye. I'll be busy with family in the next few months, with funeral, estates, grieving, etc.

I've turned off a few systems (SR2 system, 2600K with dual GTX 480s, x58 with dual GTX 560 ti, etc) that I'll be selling off locally to pay off some debt incurred by taking a lot of time off of work to spend with my father.

I'll still be doing around 25K PPD, so I'll still be contributing, but my 200-250K PPD won't be back for a long time.

I'll be back though....I'll be back.

EDIT: Just wanted to update this thread. 5/29/2013

At 12:54am this morning, Dad passed away.

I just want to thank everyone for your hard work and unity, for the hours building systems, for the time and funds donated to this and other projects.
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Sorry to hear that,
Maybe you could find out if any folders live close to you and sell the systems to them so they are still helping the project.
Will have you in my prayers Bro, so sorry to hear about your Dad. Take care...
Sorry for your tough times. Nothing here but good thoughts for him, you and your family.
Been there, done that. Except mine went quickly on the operating table with lung cancer.
Many, many years ago, but it still hurts.
Do the best you can for him and your family and you will be able to move on.
Tell him what ever it is you want/need to say now. You will never regret it.
I did not know at the time I was never going to get another opportunity.
I feel your pain man, as it seems the situation with my father is coming to this as well. He's set up and cleared for hospice, but refuses to do anything like that at this point. Melanoma and leukemia are both on his list of adversaries.

Understand that any contribution is better than none, and that we'll be keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Sorry to hear that, but I understand where you are coming from. Both of my parents have cancer and things are not looking good for either one. Definitely do what you think is best and spend what remaining time there is with your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family :)
I guess this is why alot of us end up here doing some kind of DC.

My dad got bone cancer, they said he had 3 months to a year to live. He looked like he wasn't gonna die to me, guess thats the denial of a loved one with cancer, he had to go for blood transfusions every other day, I looked at him and I new he was really gonna be gone, that it was all real. My parents lived about 3 hours away so I decided to give a 2 week notice at work so I could move up there and see him every day, 9 days later he was dead.

Always seems there is time, of all things I gave a 2 week notice at a job over being with my dad his last 9 days, sure I didn't know he only had 9 days left, I thought he would live past a year but I can tell you it makes no difference at all, the regret I have of not making more of an effort to be there kills me everytime i think about it and its been 16 years now.

Spend all the time you can, tell him what a great parent he was, the good times you remember, how much you love him, let him know he did a great job as a father. I got to do a little of that with my dad and thats what I hold on to from the end.
Just wanted to update this thread.

At 12:54am this morning, Dad passed away.

I just want to thank everyone for your hard work and unity, for the hours building systems, for the time and funds donated to this and other projects.
I'm so sorry to hear that Dog. My prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.

May your Dad RIP.
Sorry to hear of your loss.

You and your family are in my thoughts.

I like what Black@ Blue said:

Spend all the time you can, tell him what a great parent he was, the good times you remember, how much you love him, let him know he did a great job as a father. I got to do a little of that with my dad and thats what I hold on to from the end.
Very sorry to hear about your father, I know it's been a tough thing to deal with. May his memory live on in your hearts and minds, and his legacy be an inspiration to each of you. We'll be sure to continue keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Very sorry to hear about this brother... I've lost many to cancer as well. Please let us know if we can do anything to help at all..
This is sad... I lost my father to pancreatic cancer. I don't know many very well here but if you need to shoot me a story and vent... feel free. We all do what we do for reasons and this is one of many. I wish you well.
My condolences to you and your family. This is why we fold and fold [H]ard.
Sad news indeed, very sorry for your loss. Your precipitous drop in ppd is now explained and totally understandable. In the meantime fold what you can and make it back when you're able. [H]arder than ever we hope!