Updated driver, games look like crap?


Limp Gawd
Feb 28, 2006
Hey guys,
I haven't played a game in like 7 or 8 months, and I decided to install NHL 08 just now. I upgraded to the latest drivers, 162.18 for WinXP. I was using the older 87 or something drivers before and everything was working like a charm.

Anyway I go to play it, and it looks like it's using software mode or something, it looks like shit. This new Control Panel is junk so I dunno what's going on. Everything looks to be set up right. I ran HL2 and it runs like complete ass now, very slow, looks crappier too.

What gives? What drivers should I be using?

Look in sig for my system specs. Thanks... man, you go away for a couple months and everything screwed.
I should mention I installed AutoCAD 2007 recently and it did some video optimizing for that program but it shouldn't have effected everything else.
Did you fully remove the old drivers and run a driver cleaner program?

If not, do that first.

If so, uninstall & driver cleaner again and go back to the old drivers, most updates are to fix bugs with newer games (bioshock / crysis) or for the 8 series cards.

You can also try out the beta drivers if you want newer ones.
Crap, which one should I install? I dont remember which ones I was using!! 90 something

And yes I cleaned them proper... driver cleaner pro
Well, try to 163.67's first, and if that doesn't sort things out for you go back to something in the 90 series. Also be sure to go in to the nVidia control panel after you install the new drivers and set it to "quality" or "balanced" to force reasonable settings with the new drivers. Going from such an old series to the new stuff you may get odd left-over registry entries causing problems and that might sort them out.
Hmm okay coz right now I have it set to have the application decide. Where do I get those new drivers? Are they beta?
well, I just installed NHL 08 on the PC myself. The first thing to make me angry is typical EA nonsense of not having widescreen resolutions. I have a 1440x900 monitor (19 wide LCD) and only options I get are 1024x768 and 800x600 (or 1280x1024 but my monitor of course won't do this).

Second thing to make me angry is that the game runs like absolute crap, even with the details turned all the way down. It hitches, lags, skips, and generally runs like a pile of poo.

Considering that Bioshock, NWN2, Rainbow Six: Vegas, etc all run smooth as glass on my rig:

Intel E6600
2x1GB OCZ DDR2-800
2x80GB RAID-0
Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 motherboard
Foxconn 8800GTS 320MB
Corsair HX-620 psu

This makes me a sad sexual harassment panda =(

I was REALLY looking forward to NHL from EA this year on PC because they have the 'skill stick' finally, which was missing (like every other cool feature in all previous years that the consoles get but the PC doesn't) last year.

I've got the latest drivers for the 8800 that were betas for Bioshock. I've tried the official drivers again. I've even tried the latest beta drivers. All to the same result...runs like rotten ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥s =/

Anyone else experience this same bit of headache with this game?
Dude I'm in the same boat. This is NHL 2008 and there is still no Widescreen support? Give me a fucking break. On my buddies comp it runs incredible, on mine it runs and looks like Duke 3D.. wtf?
The nvidia drivers numbering scheme doesn't make sense. I just downloaded driver 94.24 last month, now the number is 162.18. Where did all those other numbers come in from?

Are drivers with numbers over 100, betas?
The nvidia drivers numbering scheme doesn't make sense. I just downloaded driver 94.24 last month, now the number is 162.18. Where did all those other numbers come in from?

Are drivers with numbers over 100, betas?

Do you have an older series card, not one of the 8xxx's? If so that'd be why. They don't 'recommend' anything newer than the 94 series with older hardware, though pretty much everything is supported up to current drivers.
The nvidia drivers numbering scheme doesn't make sense. I just downloaded driver 94.24 last month, now the number is 162.18. Where did all those other numbers come in from?

Are drivers with numbers over 100, betas?

No they're not all beta's. NVIDIA jumped a big gap in the numbers to avoid problems where apps detect drivers and only look at the first 2 numbers to do this. Because apps may have been built for drivers around at the time they were released, they are not aware of newer driver versions, or 3 digit versions numbers, and this messes up some applications detection scheme from what I've heard.

It makes total sense.. considering the numbering scheme is fairly arbitrary and man-made anyway.. why not a jump in numbers? :)

94.24 is months old FYI. After going up to the 101's, they jumped up to the 150's I believe, now 160's.