Updated Xbox 360 D-Pad Controller

Anyone only getting audio from the right channel on this video? I opened a different youtube video and I hear audio fine so I dont think it's my setup.
I wonder if this new controller will support sixteen directions like the green Xbox 360 controller that never made it to this continent...
Um... LOL?

Fix one item (D-Pad, which arguably needed fixing) and totally farked up another.

Removing the colors from the buttons when every damned game out there uses color coding to help identify the buttons.


I agree. With all the QTEs, counterattack helpers, and combo sequences games are making use of why would they remove their standardized coloring NOW?
I wonder if parts stores will sell the d-pad part. Maybe I can fit it into my current 360 controller.

Fuck your xbl and fuck your new stupid ass controller. It took you years to come up with something that's been suggested to you from the start?

And they did the same thing with their new Xbox 360 S. It took them five years to come up with the same things the PS3 brought at launch. Glossy black, silver highlights, more USB ports, no proprietary memory cards (using USB flash instead), electrostatic buttons, and a system fan that does not sound like a vacuum and a hair dryer doing it on a Delta Black 60 fan.
I like the black/silver/grey color scheme on it. I've been playing on an Xbox long enough that I don't need the colors on the controller to know what I'm pressing. If you're looking down to figure out what button to press to coincide with the color on the screen, haven't you probably already failed whatever task it is you're trying to accomplish in the game?

The d-pad is neat, but I have an arcade stick for fighting games so I can take it or leave it.

I'd like another controller since I only have one at the moment, but I want to see how Razer's Onza take on the 360 controller turns out before I shell out for this one.
dude can't even say the price without looking like he wanted to laugh cause he knows the price is retarded!

When they come up with controllers like this,then I'll be interested.
When they come up with controllers like this,then I'll be interested.[/QUOTE]

Thats either a giant ass mouse or a tiny keyboard. Actually thats a giant keyboard. I assume your a giant, or hold the giant mouse with your thighs?
I bet it costs them less then 20bucks to make it. lol
Also I'd like to note if anyone is playing a rhythm game they usually give you the colors instead of the letter... (who does this I don't know)!

well moreso.. i don't have an xbox or ps3.. but i do have wireless xbox360 controllers for my PC.. and quite a number of the games that support the controller do not display the letter only the colour and having a monotone controller like that would be ridiculous... its much easier to follow colours than letters anyways... if you need to read the controller you cant have your finger covering the button but with the colours you can still see a bit of colour...
People's reaction to this controller make me lol.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy to pay more, I'm just saying it's not the end of the world. Read the comments on Joystiq. People are *freaking out.* It must be a bunch of kids afraid their parents are going to cut off their XBL subscription b/c of the price increase. >.>

Why does everyone think a complaint about price raise means the complaining person is a kid? No, it's not the end of the world, but this stuff is just retarded. Of course, I don't play online anyway, ... this price increase isn't helping.
I still want separate buttons for the D-pad. Like the PS controller.
I still want separate buttons for the D-pad. Like the PS controller.

Yuck. The Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 is basically like a Playstation 2 dual shock 2 controller except that the D-Pad is more like what you see on this new XBOX 360 controller. Playing Street Fighter or anything else is MUCH better using the RumblePad 2's D-pad.
Weird that a company would like to make a profit. Microsalvation Army?

Yeah that crap kills me. People don't seem to think making a profit is reasonable or even ethical. :rolleyes: Now I'm not saying that all profit margins are fair to the consumer. Far from it. However there would be no reason for companies to bring products to market if they couldn't benefit from their sale. Simple economics people.
Yuck. The Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 is basically like a Playstation 2 dual shock 2 controller except that the D-Pad is more like what you see on this new XBOX 360 controller. Playing Street Fighter or anything else is MUCH better using the RumblePad 2's D-pad.

You seriously like that webbing!?
Ok, the xbox 360 controller D-Pad sux, not because its flush, because it just sux. I got one of the Play Sega (USB Japanese/Small Sega Saturn style) controllers and the D-pad is also more or less flush also, but I can do quarter circles like a made man on that thing. Until I try it out, I'm still sticking to that the underlying tech behind the xbox 360 D-pad sux. So for now, I have my xbox 360 controller (with PC dongle, Play-and-Charge kit and wireless headset) for most games that are compatible with it and my Play Sega for fighting games. As for the xbox 360, not interested unless it is compatible with kb/m for FPS.