Updating drivers crashes my rig


Sep 21, 2008
I just got my new RTX 3070 and I am worried if there is something wrong with it. Whenever I try to update my drivers it hard crashes in the moment it turns off the old drivers (when things go black for a few seconds, you know the part) and starts the new. Except in this case when the screen goes black, it stays black for a while until I see my BIOS screen. It reboots again. I can do DDU in safe mode and install new drivers there but that is a work around, not a solution. This behaviour is not normal. Is my new GPU broken somehow? It seems to work fine, the little I had time to test it yesterday and today (about to start Cyberpunk) It has not been long since I did a new Windows 10 reinstall, two months tops, and I doubt I have dicked around my OS that much to cause any severe problems yet.

My rig is Asrock B450 ITX, Ryzen 3600, 3600 CL16 Ram and 500W PSU. And before you say anything about the PSU, my rig takes about 300W on full load, torture tests on CPU and GPU on at the same time. I suspected PSU too but no problems there. No crashing no matter how much I torture it. It is just the driver reinstall/update that screw things up. Any ideas?
I only have WAGs, so might as well put one up.
Maybe fiddle with these settings?

Otherwise, congrats on your new card. I'd still check the PSU anyways.

Also when the system reboots, are the new drivers installed, or does it roll back to older/default drivers?
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Huh, well what do you know, it does stay in the new drivers after reboot. Driver installer says that I have 460.79 installed now. But why does it freak out and black screen crash on install.

I just ruled out the PSU. I digged out my old OCZ ZX 850W gold powerhouse PSU, that used to be installed when I still had a dedicated desktop rig, and wired it externally into my current portable htpc rig. Still the same result, crash on install.

*Edit* Oh, and tried BIOS defaults, no dice.
I only have WAGs, so might as well put one up.
Maybe fiddle with these settings?
View attachment 307583
Otherwise, congrats on your new card. I'd still check the PSU anyways.

Also when the system reboots, are the new drivers installed, or does it roll back to older/default drivers?

I have the scheluder off, default that is. Currently no VRR screen connected, just my 4K TV. But I'll try turning the scheluder on and see how it reacts.
I found the solution! I had my TV set up in Ycbcr and 10-bit colors because I was watching HDR movies the day before. Out of curiosity I changed it back to ordinary RGB and 8-bit and driver installer worked fine, no crashing! This must be a bug in Nvidia driver installer, I probably have to report this to Nvidia. Funny, if I had my rig in my other room where my Ultrawide freesync monitor is set up for desktop gaming, I probably would not have found this bug.