Upgrade advice


[H]F Junkie
Aug 18, 2006
Good afternoon everyone,

So I'm stuck on my old GTX-560 and it's probably time I upgrade. Right now, I have enough money in my computer fund to upgrade to a GTX-960 (possibly a 4GB model). The main monitors for my gaming are my 520's, and I tend to play games at 1920x1440 at 70hz (for some extra sharpness).

My question is - would a 960 be a decent performer at that resolution? I would like to play with high settings on my games:

- Bioshock Infinite
- Far Cry 3 ( and later 4)
- Skyrim
- Crysis 1 and 2
- Assetto Corsa

Or should I just keep saving my pennies for the GTX-970? I do plan on selling my GDM-FW900 eventually, so that can probably help fund the video card purchase as well. Thanks.
if you are planing to keep the card as long as your GTX 560 I would aim at least to the GTX 970.
you could get a way with a 960, but I'd suggest buying at least a r9 290. Get a used one so you dont have to penny pinch
you could get a way with a 960, but I'd suggest buying at least a r9 290. Get a used one so you dont have to penny pinch

I appreciate the advice but I'd need an outboard DAC to use my monitor with it. Perhaps one day, when there's no longer a video card with a RAMDAC (maybe sooner than we think!) I'll get an outboard DAC and I won't have to stick with just Nvidia, but until then, I'll have to pass on AMD.
I'd agree with at least a 970 if you can swing it. You can use DSR on some games like Bioshock and it looks beautiful scaled down from 4k. The 970 and 960 2GB are similar value. Personally I wouldn't bother with the 960 4GB because the bus width isn't quite wide enough for 4GB (hence why the default is 2GB) if you want 70FPS. At that point you might as well get the 970 with 3.5GB and wider bus.

I think the 960 would struggle a little with FC4.

Where is rabidz.... he's loves chanting about RAMDACs... he'd like you.

oooo bundled with the Witcher 3.
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CRT? 560? And since nobody bothered to ask, what are the rest of the specs of this pc?
CRT? 560? And since nobody bothered to ask, what are the rest of the specs of this pc?

Relax - rest of the PC is fine. :)

System specs are as follows:

- i5-3570 (non-K)
- Samsung 830 SSD's as the main/game drives
- SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS (because... it still works! :) )

There are still those of us who prefer CRT to LCD. We're not a big group, but we all hang out. :p
Hated giving up my crt, it was 1600x1200 at 100hz but I got a 1600x1200 60hz lcd then two more and had my first triple lcd gaming on my single AMD 5770 forever ago. Good luck getting what will work best for you. My two cents is buy the second highest end model you can so you get the longest bang for the buck. Which would be the 970 currently.
My two cents is buy the second highest end model you can so you get the longest bang for the buck. Which would be the 970 currently.

Since there's a Titan, the second would be the 980, wouldn't it? ;) Not that either of those cards are what I would consider affordable if the op is "saving pennies". ;)
was not counting the titan but honestly for long term the titan is a great value, I own two original titans myself. They still hum along running 7680x1440 :)
was not counting the titan but honestly for long term the titan is a great value, I own two original titans myself. They still hum along running 7680x1440 :)

I've had cars that I paid less than that for, and they lasted several years.
Well I did pay 800 for a 2001 jeep Cherokee and I have had it longer then the titans lol But I would say try for the 970 if you can stretch it.