Upgrade from X2 6000+ Phenom 9950 on M2N-SLI Deluxe?

Castor Troy

Jul 2, 2004
According to Asus, I can upgrade to the 1604 BIOS and run the 9950 with no problems. Will this be a worthwhile upgrade, or am I better off waiting for the next gen of AM3 boards and processors?

Current box is an M2N-SLI with 6000+, 2gb DDR2, and an EVGA 8800GTS.
Media Encoding is the only thing I can think of that would get a serious performance bump from such an upgrade,

and deneb is shaping up to be quite a nice processor, I'd hold off If I were you. And then theres always nehalem, but that pricing wont leave the stratosphere until Q2 09 at least.
Well then I'd recommend the CPU upgrade, its 400mhz slower per core, but theres 2 more cores and you can easily over-clock to lessen or remove that gap.

The main reason I was asking though is because I was going to recommend a ram upgrade with the CPU, but since you aren't running a 64-bit os yet, you can wait till you install vista

I'd highly recommend getting 8+ gb of ram when you do.
mrwizard, i freely admit that i'm an AMD fanboy, and the only way you're going to get me away from the AMD product line is when they go out of business.
Wait for Phenom II then. Get a stock 45nm 3.0Ghz quad core instead of OCing an older 65nm 2.6Ghz one that doesn't OC as well as the 45nm.
yeah, wait, dude. I'm an AMD fan just like you but the 65nm Phenoms aren't that great. wait for 45nm because it fixes a lot of the 'negatives' about the 65nm Phenoms. Best of luck waiting though. lol
mrwizard, i freely admit that i'm an AMD fanboy, and the only way you're going to get me away from the AMD product line is when they go out of business.

Hah, I've got no beef with fanboys who know they're fanboys. Nvidiots really get me though.

Wait for Phenom II then. Get a stock 45nm 3.0Ghz quad core instead of OCing an older 65nm 2.6Ghz one that doesn't OC as well as the 45nm.

And OC it does. 6.3Ghz. With AMD's claiming high 3's on air!
Haha, I'm running the same setup as Castro Troy cept the Mobo.

I'm planning to upgrade too..

9950 BE + 790GX + 4 GB RAM + 4850 or 9800GTX+
yeah, wait, dude. I'm an AMD fan just like you but the 65nm Phenoms aren't that great. wait for 45nm because it fixes a lot of the 'negatives' about the 65nm Phenoms. Best of luck waiting though. lol

Aren't that great ??? Are you serious ? I went from an AM2 6400+ @3.2Ghz on a Gigabyte GA-MA69GM-S2H board, to a [email protected] on an Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe/WiFi.

Let me tell you, the difference was.... WOW !!! In fact, I was so impressed that I have already picked up an Asus M3A79-T Deluxe, some Corsair XMS2 1066 ram and am planning on a Phenom II build. Yes, I will get a Phenom II to 4.0Ghz on air. My 9850BE was clocked up to 3.78Ghz on air, but wasn't completely stable 100% of the time.
The Phenom is 10% - 25% faster per core, per clock, than a X2 Brisbane, so it would be an upgrade even for most single-threaded apps, and the Phenom can always be overclocked. However that board doesn't support Hypertransport3 and other modern features, so it wouldn't ideal for the Phenom.

With AM3 and Phenom II around the corner and Intel i7 released already, it doesn't make much sense to get an AM2+/AMD790 mobo either. Hold on to your X2 a few more months...
The Phenom is 10% - 25% faster per core, per clock, than a X2 Brisbane, so it would be an upgrade even for most single-threaded apps, and the Phenom can always be overclocked. However that board doesn't support Hypertransport3 and other modern features, so it wouldn't ideal for the Phenom.

With AM3 and Phenom II around the corner and Intel i7 released already, it doesn't make much sense to get an AM2+/AMD790 mobo either. Hold on to your X2 a few more months...

a Stock 2600mhz Phenom 9950 will be night and day..Also use 1066ram for optimal speed..With unlocked Multis you can achieve 3.0ghz + with M2N32sli deluxe mobo ,,Reliably with STOCK VOLTS and 9950...

M2N32deluxe 2101 Bios ,,
XP32bit or Vista32bit/64 with 9950 125wattcpu.

Under $180 you can achieve 3.0ghz with 9950,, or you can wait for 45nm 3.0ghz which may be a little higher in price,,but will clock even higher..HT3 dose not hold back the performance at all.

The M2n32deluxe Personaly tested @ 5x250htt = 3000HT with BE's Unlocked Multi's,, which is more than capable to run Phenom/PhenomII .Youll only need 5x200htt anyway seeing Phenoms like low HT just as much as high HT..
No noticable differance in Gaming or APPS with lowHTT...Its all about the CPUclocks and Ram clocks period. HTT mearly is the Freqency which keeps everything stable..I even run 1600-1700HT with 9950 @ 3520mhz

Even my 9600BE runs @ 2.6ghz @with the 2101 bios and 1100mhz Dominators 24/7 with 3870x2 ..It out performs my X2 6000+@ 3.5 easily.

Speaking from experiance;)

You do NOT need high HT yet. Once the AMD Chips go ver 3.6 -4.0gh then thats when High HT will become a bigger factor.

matter of fact ive seen the Highest clocked Phenoms with low HT. Although ive maxed 5400ht ive seen no differance between 1200mhz ht and 5400mhz ht speed wise.

Your biggest gain is going from X2 to X4 with More Cache including the L3 even @ 2.6...Overclocking the 9950 will add huge bonus on the M2N32deluxe

The only negative with Phenom i didnt like was B2,,
$hit happens.Also use the 2001Bios not the 2101,, trust me.