upgrade path


Sep 12, 2004
right now i have a 3500 winnie, that i have oc'd to 2400mhz. the rest of my system is 1gig of ddr and an x800pro flashed to xtpe. Im pretty content with my system, but i wan to move over to pci express (sooner the better). i have 2 choices.

1: go with a 939 mob with pci-e and get a new vid card

2. wait for the M2, with pci-e and get new vid card, cpu, and ram

for 1 im looking at www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16814102483 and www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813127215
I'd wait if I were you. Unless you were really hot and horny for an upgrade. Maybe next month when they come out with the AMD dual core at $345 and the 7800 GT.
BTW, that dual core may not beat a 3500+ single core in gaming. Would multitask better though.
With that system I doubt you'd see a major increase w/o paying for thousands of parts. Keep your stuff until M2 is around.
I wouldn't bother upgrading at the moment, unless you were going to get an X2. Is there any reason that you feel the urge to switch to PCIe at the moment?
forumposter32 said:
I'd wait if I were you. Unless you were really hot and horny for an upgrade. Maybe next month when they come out with the AMD dual core at $345 and the 7800 GT.
BTW, that dual core may not beat a 3500+ single core in gaming. Would multitask better though.

Hot and horny, come on. :rolleyes: This sounds like the guy in the other thread that was talking about doing his computer. :gross:

Get out more!!! :p
