Upgrade/Replace Gateway FX Optical Drive


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2007
^Has anyone done it? I just wanted to see if anyone has done it before, and what level of disassembly is required, because I think I may have to. My drive is starting to show some (however seldom) signs of weird behavior, like failing to read certain discs and preventing bootups by "trying" to read from random discs after POST, not to mention producing very irritating vibration noises when a disc is being read (BRRZRRRRRRZZZRRRRRRRRZRZZZRRRRRZZZZ!!!!!!!!). Also, is the drive SATA or IDE? (I'm assuming all slim optical drives with the right interface should work.) Thanks.
Wow... thanks! You just about handed me a Gateway FX bible or something. :p Optical drive, CPU, and LCD upgrades, here I come! Bwahahahahahahaha...