Upgrade Time


Mar 7, 2003
I am looking to upgrade, just started gaming on the pc again and believe my current CPU is bottle necking my 760.

Current Specs:
AMD FX-4170
MSI 970A-G46
8GB Corsair PC15000
240GB Samsung 840 SSD
(2) WD 1TB Blue

Looking to upgrade to a 4670k, been an AMD fan for awhile, but I have finally decided to go the Intel route. Would it be worth the upgrade from the FX-4170 or would it be more beneficial to wait and see what Broadwell brings?
because unless the FX 4170 are highly overclocked, for sure that chip its the bottleneck.. at stock its even slower than a sandy i3... and because a FX8350 which its way better than a FX 4170 its slower than a ivy 3570K ? and this last its much better when both are overclocked?. it will bottleneck fore sure a GTX 760.. i don't know but i think This, This and This are called a performance bottleneck

OP, the move from your 4170 to a haswell i5 would be massive performance bump, but at this point i really wouldn't buy a 4670K.. because even at stock it will be a great upgrade, actually haswell do not overclock too well compared to ivy bridge, you can find better prices on a 3570K and it will overclock way better with lower temps and even more efficiently.. the desktop parts of haswell draw more power than ivy bridge.. i would suggest a 3570K with a good mobo and you will be able to deliver much better performance than a 4670K with better temps and much more stable..
What resolution do you play at and what kind of games do you play, op? I would rather buy a "better" am3+ mobo, and squeeze a nice overclock out of that fx-4170.

Unless all you do is play mmo's, at 1080p and above your cpu should not be a bottleneck.
You could save some coin by getting a new/used 6300 or 8350, OC the snot out of it the best you can, then upgrade with Broadwell and sell the AMD gear? I had a VERY easy time getting my 6350 to 4.8ghz for daily 24/7 use on a 970fx board and really it wasn't much harder to get it to do 5.2ghz. Heck I bet you might be able to get that 4170 to work harder for you what mobo/cooling system are you using? Just some food for thought :)