Upgrade to Win10, what happens to my Win7 key?


Feb 19, 2005
Greetings [H]!

I have several Windows 7 Pro retail keys for my organization, each of which have been used on computers upgraded to Windows 10. I am curious if the Windows 7 Pro keys can be re-used on other machines and if this will be compliant in case of an audit?
Additionally, when you upgrade from Win 7 > Win 10, is a new product key generated or do you continue using the Win 7 key as is?

From a compliance standpoint, upgrading to Windows 10 uses the Windows 7 license. The "key" is actually a hash of your system. If you get rid of the windows 10 install, you can use the Win 7 key again, but you can't use them simultaneously.

If you've upgraded to 10, you don't need to keep track of your product key, it will automatically activate once it's made contact with the activation server.
Thanks for your response. Does it make a difference that this machine is being used in a coporate envinroment? Thus why I ask about compliancy, due to random Microsoft audits.
You're fine as long as you're not trying to use the license more than once. I've been through the SAM process (MS licensing audit) tons of times. On the workstation side, if you're not using volume licensing (which it sounds like you aren't) then just keep a spreadsheet or some sort of tool listing the workstation name and the license tied to it. Something like: Machine Name: xxxxxx WinKey: xxxxx (upgraded to Windows 10). Also, if they're FPP/OEM, make sure you retain the COA. Do those things and you'll be golden.

Also, you're correct to be concerned about an audit, they're on an extreme upswing and have been for about the last 18 months. Companies with 10 users + are getting hit with them all of the time now. They're generally pretty easy to pass if you've kept good records. Just be warned that the initial person you speak with "at MS" who contacts you via email is an idiot who knows nothing about licensing. They're just call center types collecting information for analysis. 9/10 when they send back the excel sheet with "shortfall identified" on it, they're wrong and you just have to be ready to argue back. :)