Upgrade worth while?


I said WEENIS, not...
Apr 10, 2006
So I have a GTX470 1280mb (I think its 1.2gb essentially) from eVGA and I'm wondering how much of a boost I'd get if I went to a 6950/6970 in 2gb.

The reason I ask is when I got the 470 I was running 1920x1200. But now I'm on 2560x1600 and I'm wondering how much difference the additional horsepower and memory would make. I can't find too much definitive evidence other than the 6970 should be 25% or so faster.

Does this seem like a worthwhile jump or are new cards right around the corner?

I play pretty much everything under the sun, FPS included.. Battlefield 3 is looking mighty sweet...
i would say so - gtx 470 is on par with a gtx 560. 6950/6970 will offer a decent performance bump - but the main attraction is the 2gb vram if you are gaming @ 1600p. the 1.2gb offered by the 470 isn't really sufficient for that resolution, imo. no new cards anytime soon so i would make the switch, but only to a 6950 since a 6970 offers a minor performance boost for the price compared to the 6950, and you can always unlock a reference 6950 to a 6970 level of performance for free. you probably could get about $200 for your card, so it wouldn't cost much more to upgrade to a 6950 either, with 6950s going for as low as $250 right now ($230 after m-i-r). and at that resolution, more gpu power is desirable; so if cost wasn't an issue, i would crossfire a pair of 6950s if i was playing on a 30 inch monitor (you would have to upgrade your psu to do so in your case).
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i would say so - gtx 470 is on par with a gtx 560. 6950/6970 will offer a decent performance bump - but the main attraction is the 2gb vram if you are gaming @ 1600p. the 1.2gb offered by the 470 isn't really sufficient for that resolution, imo. no new cards anytime soon so i would make the switch, but only to a 6950 since a 6970 offers a minor performance boost for the price compared to the 6950, and you can always unlock a reference 6950 to a 6970 level of performance for free. you probably could get about $200 for your card, so it wouldn't cost much more to upgrade to a 6950 either, with 6950s going for as low as $250 right now ($230 after m-i-r). and at that resolution, more gpu power is desirable; so if cost wasn't an issue, i would crossfire a pair of 6950s if i was playing on a 30 inch monitor (you would have to upgrade your psu to do so in your case).

I think 2x 6950 is a little bit overkill for 2560x1600, one should be plenty, but then a 6970 would be much better.
I think 2x 6950 is a little bit overkill for 2560x1600, one should be plenty, but then a 6970 would be much better.

why would a 6970 be better? isn't it the same card with more unlocked stream processors?
why would a 6970 be better? isn't it the same card with more unlocked stream processors?

The 6970 does have higher clocked memory, and do overclock a little better FWIW.

As long as you don't need 100% maxed settings (including AA and AF) in the more demanding games a single 6950/6970 can easily handle 2560x1600. I've been there myself. I'm not as hardcore as I used to be and don't mind dropping one or two settings to get playable framerates.
Canned benchmarks?

This should give a better view, specially if OP intends to OC the card.


so what if they're "canned"? they still give a general idea of performance between a single 6950 vs two 6950s across a wide spectrum of games, which was the whole point in the first place. 20-30 fps vs 40-60 fps in a game is a big deal at that res.

and the h review you posted shows the same story: one single 6950 can't handle that res if you want to play at the highest settings with aa at playable framerates. i'd wager bf3 would probably need more than a single 6950 to max it out at that res. at playable fps as well when it comes out if bf bc2 is any indication.

The 6970 does have higher clocked memory, and do overclock a little better FWIW.

As long as you don't need 100% maxed settings (including AA and AF) in the more demanding games a single 6950/6970 can easily handle 2560x1600. I've been there myself. I'm not as hardcore as I used to be and don't mind dropping one or two settings to get playable framerates.

i agree with this - if the op doesn't mind dropping settings then a single 6950 is fine. otherwise, like i said in my first post - if cost isn't an issue, i would crossfire two of em if i was the op.
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