Upgraded to AMD XP 3000+, frequent freezes, can't reinstall windows! HELP!


Limp Gawd
Dec 2, 2003
Hey all, I'm using an Abit Nf7-m motherboard, and WAS using an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ processor with two sticks of 512MB PC3200 Geil ram. I just got a 3000+ processer, and installed it. Rebooted into windows just fine, but it predictably froze after about 2-5 minutes. Had to hit the reset button every time. Decided it was time for a clean install of windows anyways, so I booted with the Win XP CD, formatted my drive, and started to install win XP. The install process freezes while "copying files to the hard drive". First time at 27%, this time at 47%....what gives? is the processor broken? is it some BIOS setting I need to fix? anything? HELP!
It's the OEM version. I tried increasing the memory voltage, and that didn't help at all.
Is the heatsink your using "approved" and "recommended" by AMD for the 2400+ and the 3000+ processor?
check your temps
underclock it. Try running at 133.
if it's stable at a slower speed, bump the voltage up a hair and return it to stock speeds.
I'll underclock, and see what happens.

The heatsink is "AMD Recommended XP2400+, XP2700+, XP3200+, MP2600+" I assume it's cool for XP3000+ too...and the heatsink isn't ever as hot to the touch as the 2400+ was.
I set the fsb at 133, and it works! Now I just gotta find out what vcore to set to get it to runn at 200fsb stable.....any suggestions?
Originally posted by Zemo
I'll underclock, and see what happens.

The heatsink is "AMD Recommended XP2400+, XP2700+, XP3200+, MP2600+" I assume it's cool for XP3000+ too...and the heatsink isn't ever as hot to the touch as the 2400+ was.

"I set the fsb at 133, and it works! Now I just gotta find out what vcore to set to get it to runn at 200fsb stable.....any suggestions?"

Out of curiosity, what brand heatsink are you using? Did it come with a TIM?

Your new XP3000+ should actually run hotter than your 2400+ did, especially if it's a Barton core. If it's working with the FSB crippled, it might be a heat issue (since when crippled it runs slower).

Remove the heatsink and make sure it's seated properly. You could also check your bios and look at CPU temps (if your mb supports it).

If it did have a TIM, you'll need to remove it, clean the heatsink, and then get yourself some thermal paste.
The heatsink brand is something along the lines of "Copper Based XP Cooler Microfin" or something. And by TIM, I assume you mean that rubberpad thing? yeah, I already cleaned that off and slapped some thermal paste on there.

I currenty have the vcore at 1.85V.....seems kinda high, doesn't it? It looks to be working ok though....so far so good, installing windows now.
I got windows installed, but it still runs very unstabley....constant fatal errors, blue screen of death, etc. Currently running at stock voltage, 133fsb x 15...SHOULD run fine, right? nope! still unstable! It starts beeping when I boot into windows. any more ideas? I'm gonna try running with 1 stick of ram, see how that fares.
running with 1 stick of ram makes it work perfectly! Now....any idea how to make BOTH sticks of ram work?