Upgrading from NEC 20WMGX2?


Apr 16, 2008
I've had this monitor for a few years, and was hoping to get something that has a higher resolution and better colors. How do newer monitors compare?

My price range is around $250, and I primarily do surfing/office tasks with it, but there will be some light gaming/movie usage as well. Gaming inputs would be helpful as well.
There is no upgrade and especially for $250 LOL.

Best monitor around $250 is Dell U2311H.
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There is no upgrade and especially for $250 LOL.

Best monitor around $250 is Dell U2311H.

Hmm, maybe I underestimated this monitor, considering its age? I hooked my Xbox 360 to it and frankly, it didn't look that great. For computer stuff it's great, but I want a higher resolution...
Hmm, maybe I underestimated this monitor, considering its age? I hooked my Xbox 360 to it and frankly, it didn't look that great. For computer stuff it's great, but I want a higher resolution...

Considering it was reference LCD for speed @TFTcentral until dec 2010 I'd say it was pretty good. Viewing angles and color were also excellent being IPS.

No new monitors are not better. People want cheap and with cheap comes cheap stuff and diminished quality. eIPS vs HIPS. Non A-TW polarizer vs with it. etc. Basically The Dell is phenomenal value but it's still not as good as older NECs or high end NECs which will set you back $1000. Only monitor I'd even think about replacing a WGMX2 with is PA241W.
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Hmm, maybe I underestimated this monitor, considering its age? I hooked my Xbox 360 to it and frankly, it didn't look that great. For computer stuff it's great, but I want a higher resolution...

I'm in the same boat - I imagine it looks bad because because AFAIK XBox360/PS3 Games run at 720 and 1080, which are unfortunately respectively smaller and larger than the native resolution of the 20WMGX2.
I'm in the same boat - I imagine it looks bad because because AFAIK XBox360/PS3 Games run at 720 and 1080, which are unfortunately respectively smaller and larger than the native resolution of the 20WMGX2.

No, it probably looks bad because consoles generally internally render at sub 720p resolutions, and then upscale to whatever your display is set to. In other words, you end up with a blurry mess.
If you like Glossy screens, vibrant color and gaming, TN is the only good option as the only IPS panel with a Glossy screen is the 1000$+ ACD. Performance wise all it has is size+resolution over the NEC.

Acer G245H and Asus LS246H are both good (and really the only) Glossy gaming TNs for 250$.
Forgot about the ST2220T, but it is only 21.5" and 310$. It is a good screen and does offer better color and res (mind the QC issues), but doesn't really offer extra size.
I'm in the same boat. I own an NEC 20WMGX2 that I'm looking to upgrade. Is AS-IPS an abandoned panel standard? Is it just too expensive to produce?

I looked at the PA241W mentioned above, but one review mentioned it had smearing while watching movies and playing games...which is what I generally use my monitor for...

How much would it cost to truly upgrade to a 24-27" monitor which could keep up with the NEC's performance...or is there nothing out there yet?
I'm in the same boat. I own an NEC 20WMGX2 that I'm looking to upgrade. Is AS-IPS an abandoned panel standard? Is it just too expensive to produce?

I looked at the PA241W mentioned above, but one review mentioned it had smearing while watching movies and playing games...which is what I generally use my monitor for...

How much would it cost to truly upgrade to a 24-27" monitor which could keep up with the NEC's performance...or is there nothing out there yet?

It would cost about $1000, as there is only one glossy IPS 27" display being made that I know of.

Also keep in mind that the NEC20WMGX2 wasn't exactly pocket change when it was released either. Correct me if i'm wrong, but I seem to remember it going for about $500-600 when it was first released. Expecting to find the same quality for $250 is just silly.
Yeah, I spent around $500 for it and considered it a great deal at the time. I could probably spend between $700-$1000.
PA241W will actually look much worse than the 20" NEC due to the mediocre contrast ratio and agressive AG coating. It will look very washed and out and grainy by comparison.

The ACD basically has the same performance as the NEC, however it is still behind the times. I would wait for reviews of the Samsung PLS displays before dropping 1000$ on a monitor with equivalent performance to a 3+ year old monitor.
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Thanks NCX. It's amazing how long this monitor has stayed at the top of the pile in terms of all-around multimedia performance and color accuracy.
No, it probably looks bad because consoles generally internally render at sub 720p resolutions, and then upscale to whatever your display is set to. In other words, you end up with a blurry mess.

This is also true (actually seems to be a lot of variability), but if you're also upscaling the picture using the monitor and/or working at a non-native resolution its going to look even worse.
PA241W will actually look much worse than the 20" NEC due to the mediocre contrast ratio and agressive AG coating. It will look very washed and out and grainy by comparison.

The ACD basically has the same performance as the NEC, however it is still behind the times. I would wait for reviews of the Samsung PLS displays before dropping 1000$ on a monitor with equivalent performance to a 3+ year old monitor.

Your bashing of any new IPS monitor is beyond ridiculous. You do know they are the standard for photographers making hundreds of thousands of dollars yes? There printed photos must match what is onscreen to a T. The AG coat may make colors a little washed out in srgb mode, and perhaps text slightly less sharp, but if properly calibrated the wide gamut will blow away that old NEC in color accuracy. Otherwise NEC would still be selling it or a bigger brother of it.
Seeing the difference in Delta E values under 3.0=neglibile to 99% of people.

While the PA series may have a much lower Delta E avg after calibration, this fact=irrevlivant to most people.

The 24" PA has bad presets according to TFT Central and when calibrated to 120cdm/2 the 20" has higher contrast ratio and a Glossy screen=it will look better.
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Ahhhh memories... I used to own an FW900 CRT & NEC 20WMGX2, Both excellent monitors. I sold the 20WMGX2 because I was using the CRT 90% of the time (Gaming), and now the FW900 sits in need of repair.


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It would cost about $1000, as there is only one glossy IPS 27" display being made that I know of.

Also keep in mind that the NEC20WMGX2 wasn't exactly pocket change when it was released either. Correct me if i'm wrong, but I seem to remember it going for about $500-600 when it was first released. Expecting to find the same quality for $250 is just silly.

I'm glad I was able to buy a spare 20WMGX2 when they went on sale for $399 after $100 rebate in 9/2007. That thing sat on a shelf in a closet until 1/2011, when I finally decided to call it quits on my original 20WMGX2 bought in 2006, which was making a whine that had risen above the noise floor of my PC, and its backlight was dimming. Despite the trend to cheap monitors that was apparent in 9/2007 that motivated me to buy the spare, I'm still surprised that the market hasn't corrected itself by now. Oh well, hopefully I'll get 3-4 years out of this 20WMGX2, and there will be a reasonable replacement for it by 2015. :D
Marhesar... Crazy to see both of us still hanging onto our dead dyeing 900s. I've pretty much abandoned my fw900 and solely use the NEC, only thing that even remotely interests me is that 27" dell screen, u2711 but I'd at least have to remove the AG coating and then have a voided warranty on a $900 screen.

Bcom, have you considered that monitor? I know at first u said $250 range but you also said no specific budget.
I think the only way I'd upgrade my 20wmgx2 would be to get something 27" +, IPS, and have low input lag. And I know that's gonna cost me at least 800$+ so it's almost not even worth it atm.
Marhesar... Crazy to see both of us still hanging onto our dead dyeing 900s. I've pretty much abandoned my fw900 and solely use the NEC, only thing that even remotely interests me is that 27" dell screen, u2711 but I'd at least have to remove the AG coating and then have a voided warranty on a $900 screen.

Bcom, have you considered that monitor? I know at first u said $250 range but you also said no specific budget.

I'm not the original poster. I think I said I have a budget of $700-$1000 but only for a top-flight monitor.

Dell monitors are definitely very good, but reviewers never seem to be blown away by their performance. I'm not sure I want a 27"...I'm probably more in the market for a 24".

Edit: One of the main reasons I haven't upgraded is because of all of the input options on the NEC, as well as the soundbar. The only thing the NEC doesn't have is HDMI inputs.
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No, it probably looks bad because consoles generally internally render at sub 720p resolutions, and then upscale to whatever your display is set to. In other words, you end up with a blurry mess.

Exactly. It looks horrible compared to any of the TV's I hooked it up to (even an old Westinghouse).

Is there any way to make it look decent? Seems pointless to have good inputs if they look terrible.
Exactly. It looks horrible compared to any of the TV's I hooked it up to (even an old Westinghouse).

Is there any way to make it look decent? Seems pointless to have good inputs if they look terrible.

How is your 360 connected? I had it connected with a VGA cable and it actually looked pretty good to me.

Marhesar... Crazy to see both of us still hanging onto our dead dyeing 900s. I've pretty much abandoned my fw900 and solely use the NEC, only thing that even remotely interests me is that 27" dell screen, u2711 but I'd at least have to remove the AG coating and then have a voided warranty on a $900 screen.

Bcom, have you considered that monitor? I know at first u said $250 range but you also said no specific budget.

I still use a Diamondpro 2060u exclusively for gaming. Can't use LCDs even though I have so called fast WGMX2 and 2490wuxi but DP's showing its age with halonation and crap convergence. Someday we'll have ultimate solution but probably after OLED comes until then I'm hanging on to diamondpro or I just stop gaming which is happening more and more older I get.
Component cables. I tried adjusting settings, but nothing made it look any better :confused:

If I remember correctly Component quality was pretty poor on the 20WMGX2 especially when I tried hooking up my Wii, the picture was soft & lacking details even when considering it was only 480P.

I think your best bet is to get a 360 VGA cable, the quality was very good and you'll be able to choose the monitors native 1680x1050 resolution in 360 display settings.
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I "upgraded" to a Dell U3011 from the NEC 20WMGX2 about a month ago.

Colors are improved (only used an on-screen eye-ball color calibration, so take it with a grain of salt) and the additional screen real estate is amazing. But I do miss the way everything "popped" and the consistency/viewing angles. Dell's AG on this model messes with my eyes a bit (not uncomfortably, but in a slightly unsettling way), but the real estate has been worth it. Having two 1280x1600 windows side-by-side is great for web surfing and productivity applications. Lightroom feels far less claustrophobic. WoW also looks amazing and feels more immersive.

I still cheat on over to the box I put the 20WMGX2 on sometimes, though. ;)
I also want to replace 20wgx2 (pro) and I'm willing to pay even $1500 for it. Is there anything suitable? Eizo Foris FX2431 perhaps? Any advice?
I think we are on the verge of finally getting a suitable NEC 20wmgx2 replacement. You guys can check out the reviews over at Tft Centtal. Check out the Hazro HZ27WC and HZ27WA. One has a scalar and more inputs and the other one has no scalar and just a dvi input, consequently, the non scalar has a much lower input lag. I think this will be what NEC should have built after the 20wmgx2.


Oh and the prices are reasonable. They ship direct from the UK but after shipping they are right around 700 to 850 if I remember right.
i just bought the last 3 refurb 20wmgx2's that NEC had on their online store. $139 each.
i just bought the last 3 refurb 20wmgx2's that NEC had on their online store. $139 each.

Lucky! I called them a few days ago just to check and they told me they didn't have any in stock. Super bummer.
Still rocking 3 20wmgx2's which I also got from their refurb store either a year or two years ago, i forget. At $139 each, they were a steal, and nothing comes close in that price range. I hope these last forever. Yeah the resolution is kinda... small, but having 3 screens makes up for it. Even if there was a successor to this panel, it'd cost so much and I wouldn't be able to afford one of them... and i'd want 3!

That hazro sure does look nice though...
I went from a 20wmgx2 to a 27" iMac. The IPS display is very good on the iMac. I don't miss the NEC, but of course I still have it.
got my shipping notification today! cant wait to get these bad boys. Pingis, you got PM