Upgrading to IC7-max3..


Limp Gawd
Mar 2, 2004
ok im upgrading from a is7 to a ic7-max in about 3-4 days. and i just got kingston hyper x pc-4000 ram like 3 weeks ago. i been hearing that the ic7-max3 is picky about what ram u use. so would my pc-4000 ram work on it? if not. what ram would i need to get?
i say your fine. my ic7 max3 has had no problem with kingston or corsair.
its fine, ocz/corsair/kingston/geil, all use the same hynix memory modules for their pc4000+

btw i'm using the ic7-max3 at 310fsb using ocz pc4000. goodluck
Volt mod the IS7 and keep it. I can get better numbers out of my original IS7 than my current IC7 or the crappy IC7max3's unstable voltages.