UPS Review at Tom's


Limp Gawd
Mar 13, 2009
I'm sure anyone who has been trying to keep an eye out for something resembling a solid review of UPS' is frustrated with the scarce research pool especially among the sites that are noteworthy for PSU research.

I actually suggest you also read the comments because of additional insight provided.

Without further adieu...
Interesting, I have an apc ups at work that the battery is shot, it beeps all the time telling me to replace it. I only use the ups as an extension cord and power strip. :p
That test does not seem complete. The cyberpower with 99% efficiency is obviously not doing much besides passing the AC through while the others must be doing something else. It would be nice to know what, exactly, they're doing to cause the power loss and whether it's important.

I can't believe that TH is so broke they can't afford an oscilloscope.
That test does not seem complete. The cyberpower with 99% efficiency is obviously not doing much besides passing the AC through while the others must be doing something else. It would be nice to know what, exactly, they're doing to cause the power loss and whether it's important.

I can't believe that TH is so broke they can't afford an oscilloscope.

A quick google scan reveals such an item selling for $380 but it is out of whack from the mode lower price range ~$900.

That's a bit pricey and they would probably want to use their money on things they irregularly do.
A quick google scan reveals such an item selling for $380 but it is out of whack from the mode lower price range ~$900.

That's a bit pricey and they would probably want to use their money on things they irregularly do.
Cheap USB oscilloscopes can be found for $100-200. Tom's Hardware is a large site and they can afford to invest in one, especially since they also do PSU reviews where an oscilloscope is also very important. However, Tom's hasn't published anything worth reading in just about a decade, so I honestly don't really give a crap. I wouldn't put very much faith in any content that shows up on their site.