UPS: Standby better than Online? Stepped better than True Sine? Maybe


Limp Gawd
Mar 13, 2009
Came across a couple of interesting sources that go against the grain of what I usually read about UPS considerations.

But these guys aren't saying that Stepped and Standby are flatout better, I just used an inflammatory title to attract attention to their thoughts.

Anyway to sum up some of these thoughts.

Standby is sufficient for most users because even without the UPS there is 2-4ms period where wall socket is not providing power because the voltage level has dipped in strength.

The PSU discharges energy during this period and charges when AC voltage rises back up from the wall.

Standby has additional benefits such as batteries lasting twice as long within a standby system than an online ups and it is more energy efficient than double conversion ups.

DC converters prefer Stepped over PWM over pure sine wave
for conversion of AC to DC.

Stepped waveforms have a higher average voltage output and the voltage is at a peak longer than pure sine wave form. As a result DC supply stays charged for a longer period of time, thus making the DC output smoother.

(This can be easily demonstrated by attaching an oscilloscope on the output of a DC power supply and observing the ripple with a sine wave input and then a square wave or stepped waveform input, all of equal RMS value. )

The reasons true sine and online are important are highly dependent on what type of machine you are using. If you are using electronics that run on AC power directly (no conversion into DC) then you definitely need sine wave output.
If you intend to run your machines over 8 hours in day there can be benefits to using an online UPS especially if you run it 24/7.
Definitely agreed on the standby part. It is hard to justify an online UPS except where up-time is absolutely, totally, people-might-die critical. Online also adds more filtering and such, theoretically at least making the hardware connected to it last longer.

What I have been told with regards to stepped sine vs real sine is that PSUs with APFC don't really like stepped, possibly even be harmful in the long term. Not sure what the validity of this claim is, but I still wouldn't want to run a modern system on stepped sine for a few hours each day :)