Upside Xbox 360 Makes You Fat & Lazy

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Lack of exercise, poor diets and an upside down Xbox 360 kills children. Well, according to this public service announcement from the HSC Health Care System that is. While it may be true that sitting around playing video games all day isn’t the best way to stay trim, I don’t think any company wants to see their console featured in an ad campaign like this:
So they use generic chips, and soda, but are not able to use a generic game consul?
How cool would you feel being that fat kid portraying a fat lazy kid in an ad campaign?
Umm... couldn't Microsoft sue for slander? As someone pointed out, it's all generic stuff except for the XBOX.

I guess they wouldn't have been able to make their point with a Wii though.
I thought the SAME thing. How in the hell do you answer a casting call for "fat lazy bastard?"

Ive wondered the same thing about TV shows, what are some of these women answering to, "New show looking for ugly woman to be made fun of on national television by two very hot models that were on the cover of Maxim this past week."
Microsoft probably could sue to have the ad removed but that would draw even more attention to the add and would probably generate more negative publicity than ignoring it.
Umm... couldn't Microsoft sue for slander? As someone pointed out, it's all generic stuff except for the XBOX.

I guess they wouldn't have been able to make their point with a Wii though.

Hmm, wonder if Nintendo paid them for that.. Next ad will be a skinny kid running around with a Wiimote and spilled salad all over the floor with the message "The Healthier Choice!" :D
Microsoft probably could sue to have the ad removed but that would draw even more attention to the add and would probably generate more negative publicity than ignoring it.

A smart PR person would avoid bad press by:

a.) express concern over the product placement
b.) express interest in contributing to a fitness campaign
c.) come to a mutal agreement that has the Microsoft logo on the ad (as a sponsor) not its product (as a cause).

How cool would you feel being that fat kid portraying a fat lazy kid in an ad campaign?
well if Tay Zonday can make a buck off of something equally damning to ones personal image you can't blame this kid for letting the gut hang out.

- Robert (PmR)DeathInJune
Thats no upside down XBox. That's Apple's new iBox. Steve Job's latest extremely innovative product!
So let me get this straight, sitting on the couch playing video games and eating junk food makes you fat. Umm so if the children were reading lets say War and Peace, while eating a bunch of junk food and not exercising, that would ok?
So let me get this straight, sitting on the couch playing video games and eating junk food makes you fat. Umm so if the children were reading lets say War and Peace, while eating a bunch of junk food and not exercising, that would ok?

Exactly. You see, it's not really the game that creates obeseness, but the gamma rays coming out of the television from high speed pixels shooting all over the screen. The gamma ray builds up inside you and feeds on the junk food you just ate, make THAT fatter, and then before you know it, whew.. obese city..

Now books, well books are made from trees. Perfectly natural product.
Ummmm Bullshit...

Here's why I say that, I had no video game console while growing up. I was fat and overweight from 4th grade on...

OK that being said a video game system may make things worse but they do not make you fat. Sitting around on your ass does that. Watching TV does that. Eating too much does that. Sitting around reading all day and night does that. Eating too much does that.

Hmmm did I say eating makes you fat? Well it did that to me. I ate too much all of my life. Only recently have I come to acknowledge that and reduce my eating. Guess what? I'm losing weight. I get out and walk, not run, but walk for an hour at about 3 to 4 mph. Then I hit an eliptical for 15 minutes. Then I lift a few weights for a few minutes. Nothing much but a little exercise. Guess what? I'm losing weight. If I can keep my lazy ass exercising, I'll lose the weight I need to and weigh less than I did when I graduated from high school.

Anyway, pointing at one item in life and saying that it makes you fat is Bullshit.

And I do know. I am overweight, and doing something about it.

Oh, and I still play lots of video games.
in 2001 as a college freshman it was the xbox 360, not my .4 alchohol level 3-4 days a week, eating nachos to get through the semester as a routine diet and smoking that made me gain 40 pounds... it was xbox 360 guys, believe it!
Guys guys, you're making too much of it. Obviously Steve's making fun of the upside down Xbox. The video game is just an excuse for the kid to sit around. It can be anything. The point of the ad is "sitting around doing nothing all the time can be unhealthy".

Ignore the game console for a second. Put books it its place. Put televisions in its place. Put a naked woman on your lap in its.. wait no, that's exercise..
Yeah this type of stuff pisses me off...I work in the health care industry and the number one contributing factor to obese children is the parents. I mean if you let your kid sit around doing nothing but watching TV, playing video games, playing Magic, etc. and eating crap loads of processed junk food they are gonna get fat..period. I have been playing video/computer games since Pong and I always managed to still have an active lifestyle due to my parents turning off the box and kicking my ass outside to play. I have young relatives that NEVER go outside and eat crap all day long and I blame no one but their parents. Remember, any form of entertainment is no substitute for good parenting. Although nowadays that seems to be a very unpopular opinion.
A smart PR person would avoid bad press by:

a.) express concern over the product placement
b.) express interest in contributing to a fitness campaign
c.) come to a mutal agreement that has the Microsoft logo on the ad (as a sponsor) not its product (as a cause).


Fuck it, sell a Wii remote for the 360 and call it done.
I'm already fat and lazy, so I guess it's a wash LOL
It's possible that MS actually paid to be in the ad. After all it is still great advertisement. "If you're fat might as well enjoy it playing the Xbox and munching on generic chips."
I wanna know what game he is playing. That must be the reason for all of this!
Dude, I'm still chuckiling about this Ad. F'in hilarious. The comments are ,..perfection.
By the way the game he's playing must Sonic the Hedgehog, just look at his face.

I attribute a lot of my staying THIN to all the hours I spent playing computer games and tweaking with my computers from when I was a child to now.

The reason is simple. The computer keeps me engaged and far less likely to snack myself to death. I tend to forget about food for hours on end if my mind is engaged on the PC. Now, if I were to just sit in front of the TV endlessly only able to watch and not interact? Hell, I'd be 100lbs heavier from munching non stop.

I was also not so stupid as to not want to go outside. Whenever the weather was good I'd hang out with friends and ride my bike all over the neighborhood... right before we'd all head back to my place and play games until 3am.

To this day I still follow that pattern, but to get my exercise in between work and games I hit the gym 2-3 times a week. It's the overall lifestyle. Your kids can be game addicts but not slobs. Teach them how.

Besides my parents recognized early how things were changing and they decided that if I was going to be addicted to something, being addicted to computer games was ok. It meant they knew where I was and I wouldn't be out knocking girls up, getting STDs, or doing drugs. They were right. Im 30 now, and I'm in perfect health.

And yes, the soda and crap in that ad are the real culprits. I have never felt better since I gave up soda. I mean that. I feel 100% better all the time not living between sugar fixes.

Anyway... enough ranting.
Some of you may laugh at this matter but it is an important one. With the rise in obesity in America it makes me wonder how many of these obese children will be able to receive proper health care if they're in bad health already. Makes me glad I'm Canadian, I don't have to worry about being rejected for health coverage.

None the less, North America in general has to work towards more and better preventative medicine. It would actually decrease the costs of medicine later in life. If you can get someone to become healthy, they're less likely to develop diabetes (which they may lose limbs, need dialysis, etc.). If you can get someone to quit smoking than they're less likely to have some forms of cancer, and therefore avoid treatments. All of which costs an arm and leg (pun intended) to either you, insurance companies (if they'll even cover you)..or if you're in a country with a general health care - the tax payers (which is probably you).

Although this ad may be a little on the "stereotypical" side, or a little too focused on one type of lazy person - the general message is clear. Stop being lazy, and have some balance and health in your life or you're not going to live very long.

P.S. I was once borderline obese, and this subject is kind of touchy for me. Luckily I got smart, started eating healthier and jogging and lost 50 lbs. An ad did not motivate me, a side glance in the mirror did.
the problem with north america is what they eat ... chips, fries, burgers, candy etc ...

It's not games cause back in the day you know what they did, THE PLAYED CHESS. They sat there for hours playing chess and they didn't get fat .. at least there's no proof that they got fat ... if North America dropped the prices on vegetables, fruits, milk and meats of all kinds then obesity will drop. It's not what the kids do, necessarily, but what they are allowed to do. Tax the junk food heavily and the population won't be able to afford it and therefore will have to eat healthy.

Simple Easy Solution.

As long as the gov't is making money of the population eating they won't stop the companies from producing it while the gov't collects taxes.
meanmodda[H];1031736492 said:
It's possible that MS actually paid to be in the ad.

If that was the case, the 360 wouldn't be upside down.
the problem with north america is what they eat ... chips, fries, burgers, candy etc ...

It's not games cause back in the day you know what they did, THE PLAYED CHESS. They sat there for hours playing chess and they didn't get fat .. at least there's no proof that they got fat ... if North America dropped the prices on vegetables, fruits, milk and meats of all kinds then obesity will drop. It's not what the kids do, necessarily, but what they are allowed to do. Tax the junk food heavily and the population won't be able to afford it and therefore will have to eat healthy.

Simple Easy Solution.

As long as the gov't is making money of the population eating they won't stop the companies from producing it while the gov't collects taxes.

at least north americans don't kill teachers for calling their teddy bears mohammed.
at least north americans don't kill teachers for calling their teddy bears mohammed.

:rolleyes: they only gave her like 66 lashes, no death sentense, please don't exzagerate it, shes aloive and well, thats not to say the punishment is still back ass wards
:rolleyes: they only gave her like 66 lashes, no death sentense, please don't exzagerate it, shes aloive and well, thats not to say the punishment is still back ass wards

Oh, forgive the poster.

She ONLY got like 66 lashes. Kthx.:rolleyes:
Exactly. You see, it's not really the game that creates obeseness, but the gamma rays coming out of the television from high speed pixels shooting all over the screen. The gamma ray builds up inside you and feeds on the junk food you just ate, make THAT fatter, and then before you know it, whew.. obese city..

Now books, well books are made from trees. Perfectly natural product.

hahahaha BAM! i like this post..
Just wait until someone spins it as saying black people are too stupid to set up a game console correctly. Or that the Xbox 360 is a leading contributor to obesity, since it's probably the only thing anyone even sees, since it's smack dab in the middle of two very generic and very easily ignored everyday items. Then watch the fun begin.

Please. The only reason people are fat and own a 360 is because they can afford to eat enough to get fat in the first place. If you can afford a $400 console, $30-$100+ a month broadband, plus a gold Live membership, you can afford at the very least, the dollar menu at MickyD's. I don't care who you are. And if you honestly pride all that over food, you need to re-evaluate your priorities.
at least north americans don't kill teachers for calling their teddy bears mohammed.

Excellent response ... why did you quote me exactly ? I'm still confused ... :eek:

P.S. she taught at Unity which is a high school in Sudan where some of my cousins study. I've never heard of a dog or a teddy bear called Jesus or Moses so please keep your opinions to yourself. Don't go off topic please.
Obviously, this child is retarded to begin with, the (wired) controller isn't even plugged in. He's just staring at a boring silver screen with nothing but grape pop and junk food to keep him company. The obvious antagonist in this ad is the junk food, not the console that isn't plugged in.

That brings me to the point of ads in magazines and catalogs lately, what's with these stupid ads and never having the effin' system plugged in?!?!?!?!