Urgent.....GT owners ....Pleae Read.....

That's terrible England.

The 2Gig mem speed issues has been discussed here before. No evidence to suggest running at 2gig memory speeds causes failures. That article repeats the claim but adds nothing but more speculation. It may be true, but some sort of confirmation would be nice.

BFG supposedly had a bad batch of cards, however I didn't think it had anything to do with the 2gig mem issue, maybe someone else can comment on that.
why is it that when i clicked that link i got a viri warning from AVG??? scan your boxs
running Ad-Aware now i don't have an antivirus on this machine
Let me know if your scan finds any crap
running Ad-Aware now i don't have an antivirus on this machine
Let me know if your scan finds any crap

ad-aware wont help you.. go download avg.. free.grisoft.com... its lightweight,free, and it works
Namely peaceably with opinions many users, which did notify on internet forums their problems and one of workers the BFG which with own initiative gave on this subject also.
cheese and rice....WTF. my head is going to explode
English, do you speak it?

Thats not my english ......

BTW..Im not having any problems with a trojan or Adware ..Update your PC....

Its kinda funny that he downclocked his CPU/memory ,,when some one told him to downclock the Card:D....Very understandable....What isnt funny is the PROBLEM THE CARD HAS!:mad:
I just found this http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.asp?m=194277&mpage=1&key=��

This look familiar....This is the GT problem on a GTS512mb...I just picked one up and dont want to open the stupid thing now! Thats just wrong, This is new hardware that every one is praising ! Ive not had a bad Nvidia like this since 7900 capacitors! The Origanal GTS8800 were a sweat thing! It really makes me wonder if they even test the new VideoCards on games or for artifacting before they sell em now?...

These problems are (Not Speculation)...Cards are failing left and right!....I almost want to say its that stupid combination of a 256bit controller and the cheap memory causing problemes...

The card will slowly fizzle out @stock clocks or be bad right from the get go...This is in no way any good....I now want to return my Christmas present if more start popping up.....$356.00 it should work flawless...:mad:

Note: I highly dout this is due to drivers...this is in every game and it gets worse the more he plays..
Thats not my english ......

BTW..Im not having any problems with a trojan or Adware ..Update your PC....

Its kinda funny that he downclocked his CPU/memory ,,when some one told him to downclock the Card:D....Very understandable....What isnt funny is the PROBLEM THE CARD HAS!:mad:
I just found this http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.asp?m=194277&mpage=1&key=��

This look familiar....This is the GT problem on a GTS512mb...I just picked one up and dont want to open the stupid thing now! Thats just wrong, This is new hardware that every one is praising ! Ive not had a bad Nvidia like this since 7900 capacitors! The Origanal GTS8800 were a sweat thing! It really makes me wonder if they even test the new VideoCards on games or for artifacting before they sell em now?...

These problems are (Not Speculation)...Cards are failing left and right!....I almost want to say its that stupid combination of a 256bit controller and the cheap memory causing problemes...

The card will slowly fizzle out @stock clocks or be bad right from the get go...This is in no way any good....I now want to return my Christmas present if more start popping up.....$356.00 it should work flawless...:mad:

Note: I highly dout this is due to drivers...this is in every game and it gets worse the more he plays..

You saw one guy on EVGA with a bad card and you're afraid to open your new GTS?? Send it to me, I'll open it for you.;)
Thats not my english ......

BTW..Im not having any problems with a trojan or Adware ..Update your PC....

Its kinda funny that he downclocked his CPU/memory ,,when some one told him to downclock the Card:D....Very understandable....What isnt funny is the PROBLEM THE CARD HAS!:mad:
I just found this http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.asp?m=194277&mpage=1&key=𯛥

This look familiar....This is the GT problem on a GTS512mb...I just picked one up and dont want to open the stupid thing now! Thats just wrong, This is new hardware that every one is praising ! Ive not had a bad Nvidia like this since 7900 capacitors! The Origanal GTS8800 were a sweat thing! It really makes me wonder if they even test the new VideoCards on games or for artifacting before they sell em now?...

These problems are (Not Speculation)...Cards are failing left and right!....I almost want to say its that stupid combination of a 256bit controller and the cheap memory causing problemes...

The card will slowly fizzle out @stock clocks or be bad right from the get go...This is in no way any good....I now want to return my Christmas present if more start popping up.....$356.00 it should work flawless...:mad:

Note: I highly dout this is due to drivers...this is in every game and it gets worse the more he plays..

lol These cards are not failing left and right, what a load of garbage, you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

There will always be the odd failure on new cards, most that visit this forum for example are very pleased with there GT, sure there has been the odd failure but nothing out of the ordinary.
high temperature is high

My SSC is humming away without fail playing crysis 4 hours stright. If a problem occurs, RMA. As simple as that, but I've pushed the mem clock past 2g to see what it can handle and i'll tell you it can handle a lot!
Any new GT/GTS512 Video Card could encounter this particular problem...I did not in any way say ALL or Most!,Im only saying that the problem is real! There are enuff out there that are failing to prove this......Im not going to post just because i see 1 or two cards fail.....that would be normal and expected.....

I am posting because i had to return a XFX/Alfa Dog8800GT which was nicely bundled with COH. It failed with the corrupted display problem/little sqaures everywhere .I was origanaly looking for EVGA GTSSC,but settled for a XFX...Both My 320GTS/and a X1550 had no issue on the same PC after removing the ALFA....We had purchased the ALFADOG/8800GT and a EVGAGTS512mb at a local FRY's in the SF/BayArea .The ALPHA was gonna hold me over untill i install my shinny NEW GTS512mb on Christmas Day . I was gonna then gonna give the ALFA to my brother once my new card was installed on Christmas Day. It failed yesterday/Sunday ...We since Returned it to Fry's .It really sucked because i had been waiting three weeks to get a Alfa for him only to return it.....I will be getting another card.most likely another GTS512mb!

The Alfa had the new referance cooler and had a normal uncorrupt screen at bootup.....First day it was fine ,but I didnt play any games on it or even go on the internet...The next day i installed some benches to run,but Once the card warmed up and i tried to play any heavy3D games it crashed...I tried to do a Crysis bench the screen became piaxlated/little dots and lines up and down the screen @ stock settings and then to where it wasnt even viewable after 15minutes of my Pc being on...When my Brother and I returned the Alfa, he nicely asked if any others were returned . Customer service said a few GT's had been returned back for Graphical problems/Blank screens or corruption but they wernt all Alfa's.All he could say is they wouldnt stay on,they would shut down after awhile of normal use..Hmmmm

To make matters worse they also didnt have any EVGA GT512SSC .This is considered one of the most reputable GT cards , They showed 10 in stock .Apparently One Person grabbed all 10 cards. These are actually in short supply ,So why do they let people buy so many? Beside that, we have decided to just open the card ChristmasDay and hope everything is well...Im concerned about the whole memory crap or what ever it is,Because several post show them and i just returned one! . The card i returned showed no signs of Overheating and the Fan worked normal. People that are jumping the gun and say there isnt a problem are only fooling them selves. I m not just getting my info from reading threads, Im testing the VideoCards first hand...!

"Please dont tell me im speculating or that i am spreading FUD ". I had only posted a link with the with the same/simalar problem.I probally coulda chose a different link ! Never knew there were so many THREADBASHERS that think there isnt a GT problem...I did not want to post link after link after link .... The vendors know because of returns and RMA's . It really Makes me wonder they came out with a new referance cooler i ,,Its not totaly a heat issue ,weather they want to say it is or not.,wether its a small issue or not... The revised cooler helps but does not elimanate the problem..I only want what i pay for and thats a 100%working card. My Alfa was a revised Card BIG FAN which should of been problem free!

There are Thousands of cards out which people will buy that still may have the issue from what ever batch/what ever they want to call it...I have found this out first hand.. .What ever the cause is .It has several sites posting/reporting the wierd failures from 8800GT/256/512....
From what i am reading , cards dont always show overheating .Even the memory and combination of the controler/shader could be a cuase..maybe it stress the memory @stock speeds too much...who knows...What bugs me is why would a Manufacture reqeust Data from the OEMS on heat related issues for the GT if there wasnt aproblem too fix?
I know people dont like to "TALK CRAP just for FUN or tell some one there just Spreading FUD" or better yet .... When there is a problem with a VideoCard you dont ignore it!

IM still buying Nvidia cards......
These are Great cards and i am in no way telling people to NOT BUY......I actually ENCOURAGE you to buy ..If at all when or if a problem arises send it in...I am just saying if the problem arises to Return or RMA...this way they can fix the problem ....
Fact ,the problem only gets worse the more you use the card when or if it happens...Remeber i didnt say all the cards are bad . Matter of fact there Great! They easilly surpass the 640 and im shure they will only get better. It is mearly a slight problem that needs to be fixed and not ignored. It can happen on any vendors cards..XFX/Bfg/Evga/MSI/Asus/Gigabyte/Innode excetra.......

"You can ream me all you want"....People are having problems and ive seen several returned at different stores while i was looking for cards to purchase.Despite all the little problems they do sell like HOTCAKES and PERFORM increadibly fast. When a problem does arise i encourage people to call the Manufacture/ or return it for a nother one from place of purchase. Do a RMA if you can not return it! The manufature wont know what to fix for future cards if you dont send it out! Its really sad that some one who pays $200.00+ will say ""oH ill underclock it "", Your just being dumb..."Its a new card, it should perform right out of the BOX!"If it dont the Manufacture needs it back so they can Correct IT!
This is the only way these problems get worked ouT...Not One company has released a Memory Clocked more than 1950mhz on both the GT and GTS512mb!!!! This is a pretty good indacation that the memory probally cant handle anything over the 1800/1950mhz on the ones that are failing @ Stock! Remeber these are new cards and i expect to see some bad ones..

My OLD 8600GTS grabbed it the First day it was Realesed has had no problems with Overclocking or Overheating..The friend that owns it now is still happy i sold it to him. Then my 8800GTS320OC it has never failed me ....I know ive used three of them...They all came with pretty stable memory/the shaders were on a few were a little buggy but i never needed to return one! Especially because of memory or a bum cooler. All of them were Overclocked to 2100mhz+ on Stock cooler with no heat problems including the 8600GTS..Thats the Nvidia Cards i want to see...Not like the one i just sent back....I will let all of you Know how my new GTS512mb runs on Christmas day....

This is last time i will say this.....If there is a problem with any VideoCard / send it in so it can be corrected ,Dont underclock IT, dont ignore it. I have been Using Nvidia for a long time . I purchase about $600-$1000.00 in Video cards a year for me and friends that must have the best gaming experiance.I use Nvidia to keep on top of gaming..I will continue to purchase Nvidia...as a user i will also inform people when i see a possiable problem...This is a small problem ,wether NvFanBoys like it or not!.

In Other Forums people have posted about BANS on this very issue.I will not say the forums or the names of users. Ive read the post and its hard to believe people have been banned for saying that there are faulty GT's..
Even Online Retailors/sellers have deleted Reviews and comments due to this very issue! I read one post that a guy put blame/accused EVGA of sorts and he was banned ...But the more i read his post i think it may of had to do with something else at the same time...Either way if theres a problem people are gonna know...Sweeping dust under the carpet does nothing for the ones who buy the product like mE an You!

Reputable sites that review product have been getting the GT failures and some not so reputable sites. They just want to know what the Crap is going on!..Even the forum of Maximumpc has people who have posted failed cards.. http://www.maximumpc.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=68778&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=40 ..The performance is incredable, but why is there so many failed Gt's ...Several in this post alone!....Im only informing people here that indeed there is a little bit more than just a normal of failed cards. Nvidia wise i remeber people sending back the 7900series because of failed capacitors! They fixed it and that was that...I mean are they just selling so many now that it seems there are alot a failures..this dosnt seem to be what im reading though..

At this point theres nothing left to say...Im shure there are pleanty that would like to comment though. I have my reasons and have retuned one card already this week!.Hopefully the one under the tree i can keep.I really do want these cards to be top notch...I need to buy more in place of the New Failed one!
Can somebody summarize that pls ?

something, something, something, fanboy, something, something...


j/k man dont get your pantys in a wad... oh.. and avg updates every day... so my box is up to date... you might want to look at yours.. becuase the link has a trojan that trys to load when you visit it.. but whatever, I know my box is secure, are you certain yours is?

as was said.. every single card that has ever been produced will have a failure rate... if you dont want a failure rate, then the prices need to go up... are you paying $4,000+ for these cards... no. could someone have put out a bad batch of... whatevere... yeah it happens. should they put out a recall notice? depends on how many are affected. should an rma be issued if you run into issues.. yup... perhaps a automatic extension of the warranty? sounds good to me.. will badgering people on a forum over this make any real difference. probably not.

the point is. we know of the problem... most are willing to take a chance becuase it is a small risk. hell building any pc on your own entails some risk... you could knock a harddrive off the table your working on. should you rma it? no, its not the vendors fault you killed it... point is, if there is a problem with a part, most retailers are fairly good about doing rmas. if there is a (possibility pretaining to a) known issue with a part, buy it from a retailer that has a better track record of granting rmas/refunds, if a probelm crops up, you have an out... if you buy it cheap from a flybynight place... well you got it cheap.
Honestly people, think you can get a trojan from clicking a link? ... Sad.

Update to Firefox while your at it, my AVG didn't even flinch.
the point is. we know of the problem... most are willing to take a chance becuase it is a small risk. hell building any pc on your own entails some risk... you could knock a harddrive off the table your working on. should you rma it? no, its not the vendors fault you killed it... point is, if there is a problem with a part, most retailers are fairly good about doing rmas. if there is a (possibility pretaining to a) known issue with a part, buy it from a retailer that has a better track record of granting rmas/refunds, if a probelm crops up, you have an out... if you buy it cheap from a flybynight place... well you got it cheap.

The main point, people said there wasnt a problem.

Second point , problem was being hidden.

Third point , Me and you and others have purchased Nvidia Product...We want what we pay for!

Last point, I am helping others . If the Videocard does happen to fail @Stock " it cant be fixed by lowering the Clocks" it will keep getting worse regardless!, Return it or process aRMA so Manufacture/Vendor can correct the Problem....

P.S. Last card Failed yesterday..It was Purchased Saturday,,It was a Revision 2 XFX AlphaDog 8800GT512mb 640mhz..Failed due to bad currupt pixeling and sqaures..Slowly got worse untill it was fully dead 15minutes later...I returned it and will buy another..Because they do perform when they are running...
Honestly people, think you can get a trojan from clicking a link? ... Sad. .

Actually you can with IE.

It's happened to me.

It's called a stealth infection and it does it w/o your permission after clicking a link. There's no accept button or anything like that. That's why I abandoned IE years ago.
Honestly people, think you can get a trojan from clicking a link? ... Sad.

Update to Firefox while your at it, my AVG didn't even flinch.

I wont be listening to you when it comes to advice on security!
You go ahead thinking like that, we'll point fingers later :)
The site is also blocked on Bluetacks (www.bluetack.co.uk) level 1 blocklist so the site doesnt look savoury.

There may not be anything wrong with the site but a warning is a warning and should be taken notice of.
Alternatively your AV might not be detecting a real issue, have you verified this?