Urgent Help Needed With New Build


Aug 7, 2004
Me and my friend just built my new PC. The only problem is, sometimes, when restarting the computer (or after changing the bios), I get the following: A long beep, followed by silence, and then quickly two short beeps. (- . . )
It seems like this is a problem with the RAM. We've tried switching around the RAM in various slots, but this still occurs. One of the sticks didn't even allow for an installation of windows; it stalled, and wouldnt go any further. Is there any way to fix this, or is an RMA inevitable?

By the way, I'm using an Asus M2N-E Am2 motherboard with G.Skill RAM

RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820231087

Thanks for your help.
I'll try memtest really soon. I first tried out Oblivion, and no crashes occured. That was with one stick. Then swapped with the other stick. Finally, with both sticks. No crashes. The thing is, everytime I restart, it gets the long beep, short short beep. But, when I shut it down, and turn it back on, everythings fine.

I'm running memtest now.
I get the following error message, RMA needed?:

Memory Error detected for ward pair # 87760633, values 205219626, 2713911032 do not match.

EDIT: I got another error: # 36813872, values 3055932270, 3794213710 do not match.

Got a third error message.

EDIT: Well, I'm sending it back tomorrow. Hopefully the new RAM will work correctly. And hopefully I get it as soon as possible!