use PHP Nuke Module withouth PHP Nuke


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2004
Is it possible to use a Module that was based on PHP Nuke and not have PHP Nuke installed. I'm pretty new to PhP but I want to use a script that was made for PHP Nuke, but I don't want PHP Nuke installed on my web site. I already have my PHP site made up and don't want all the other crap that comes with PHP Nuke.

Maybe I don't understand PHP Nuke though also. It Appears to be just a PLug in Website builder. Is this true?
disclaimer: i have never used php nuke

yes you will be able to use a module from php nuke without the extra crap. however it's very likely that the module includes functions/classes from other portions of php nuke and without them the module is going to fail horribly.

you are going to have to take the module and work through the code, probably grabbing the bits you need from the rest of php nuke source (quicker than writing said functions yourself), and either cram them all into the module or setup your own includes with the bits you need.

post the code you want here so we can look through it.