USGS Has Tips On Surviving The Apocalypse

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
U.S. Geological Survey scientists have some handy tips for surviving the apocalypse on 12-21-12.

The question to consider on December 21, 2012, and every day is: Have I done everything I can to ensure that my family and I are prepared, should a disaster strike? This includes preparing and practicing your emergency plan and building a disaster supplies kit with food, water and basic needs. Natural disasters will continue to occur, on any given day, but a more informed scientific understanding can lead to better preparedness and safer communities.
If the world ends on 12-21-12, why am I worried about surviving it "Oh I need to stock up tinned goods for when the world ends, so that when the world is gone, my tinned goods may live on"?
I'm just preparing for the 20th:

- Rum ✓
- Vodka ✓
- Whiskey (dammit need whiskey) ✗
- Mixers ✗
- Chips ✗
- Nacho sauce (gallons) ✗
Buy lots of Gold, because when every one is starving or being attacked by zombies, those gold coins will really be useful :)
Buy lots of Gold, because when every one is starving or being attacked by zombies, those gold coins will really be useful :)

Man, I hope it's zombies... would make my .22's and Max Brooks knowledge useful for something other than sheer entertainment...
If the world ends on 12-21-12, why am I worried about surviving it "Oh I need to stock up tinned goods for when the world ends, so that when the world is gone, my tinned goods may live on"?
Better not stock up too much or they'll label you a terrorist, and you don't really want that to ruin your post apocalyptic paradise, now do you?
words words words... boring.

I already saw 2012. All I need is a plane to Tibet and the guy from Say Anything to get me there.
Calm down everyone!!!
If the Mayans could predict the future, there would still be MAYANs!!!

just sayin'.....
Naw, the Fiscal Cliff isn't until next year, we have plenty of time
to screw things up worse.

So The Apocalypse has been cancelled.