Using 24 Pin on a 20 pin - Stability?


Feb 3, 2005
Im running a DFI NF3 s754 board, and im wondering if using the extra 4 pin plug that is on the atx connector on the 4 pin p4 connector will provide more stability since you are using 2 rails instead of 1. My PSU is a Antec Truepower2 380w.
Are you talking about the 4pin plug that connects to th ATX plug to change it to 24 pin? If so than no, Do not use that in the 4 pin connection. Thats is used only for making it a 24 pin connector and is not t replace the included 4 pin.
Peach said:
Im running a DFI NF3 s754 board, and im wondering if using the extra 4 pin plug that is on the atx connector on the 4 pin p4 connector will provide more stability since you are using 2 rails instead of 1. My PSU is a Antec Truepower2 380w.

You should notice that the wire colors are different, never mind the connector won't physically fit.

The extra four that "break off" of an ATX connector are 3.3V, 5V, 12V and GND. The four that plug into the "P4" connector are 2x12V and 2XGND.

Why would you want to plug the break off in instead of the P4? I don't see the logic in that.