Using a stereo as speakers (audio noob)

Michigan PC

Jun 29, 2005
I want to use my old sony stereo in place of speakers for my pc. It has audio input, but I"m not sure how I would set things up correctly.

If I used this sound card:

How could I hook it up to a stereo like this:

That isn't actually my stereo but gives an idea. The separate outputs for rear, front, center etc. confuse me. I was used to just using a splitter that plugs in to the front of the stereo with an ipod.

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You would plug a computer in to the stereo the same as you would an ipod.

Connect the 3.5mm plug (the plug that normally goes in the ipod) to your computer's front output. For most computers this port is color coded green. In relation to the Xonar DX, the front audio port would be the second port from the top.