Using ATi video card to down-rip Blu-Rays


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 30, 2005
This is possibly a stupid question, but I want to use my video card to do by BluRay encoding instead of my CPU, as I think it would be a lot faster. Is there a list of programs that can do this? I think it's possible with AVIVO, but I can't seem to find anywhere to play videos with it, let alone encode.
you have to download the avivo addon pack or w/e then i believe it shows up. I haven't messed around wiht it myself so i wouldnt know. Sorry.
AVIVO is pretty poor, especially if you have a quad core. Try using BD-Rebuilder, RipBot264 or Handbrake. All of these use x264 which does not support AVIVO, unfortunately.
i'm curious about this as well.

I have an old system that is just kinda wasting space so i thought about making it a video encoder box. The problem being, it's old (see sig). Is there a way to push some of the load onto the weak gpu instead of weak cpu as it is now. iirc, my gpu has some enhanced mpeg playback features (i will be ripping and backing up my dvd collection, most likely into x264 mkv files)
The only options for GPU assisted encoding are Badaboom (Nvidia only) and MediaShow Espresso. Neither can match the quality an flexibility of the open source X264 encoder.
For serious h264 encodes use X264.
x264 on your i7 will be MUCH faster and be able to achieve much better quality then any GPU based re-encoding option out there. Period.
Using the GPU to encode video is still a pipe dream. Yeah, a couple of programs can do it. But they have limited flexiblity from what I've read and produces lower quality than what the CPU is capable of for any video codec.

The H.264 or X.264 codec does not support GPU encoding. If that is the codec you want to encode your Blu-Rays with, then you will need to rely on your i7 to do the encoding. It is better that way.

Just forget about the GPU. Period.
I have a GTX280 downstairs... I ought to use it. I just thought that my i7 might help more than a C2D.
i have been trying hard to do the video encoding on my ati 4870 1GB just for kicks, tried almost eveything, but nothing seem to use my gpu, even when running avivo video converter from ccc, my gpu remains idle and its the cpu which is utilized.
Here's another suggestion for avoiding the GPU when encoding.

An i7 is plenty fast, and x264 codec will give you the best quality.
I've been using Badaboom to transcode some 1080p movies to 720p for Xbox 360 and it's been working great. Only takes about 50 minutes a movie at 5000kbps. I'm not concerned about audio, since I don't have a proper 5.1 setup.
To OP, it seems that you need a software to do Bluray authoring (encode Bluray contents) with ATI Stream support. You can try PowerDirector 8, it supports both nVidia CUDA and ATi Stream.

Badaboom wont do you any good since it only supports CUDA.

sethk mentioned MediaShow Espresso. It does allow video encode for 1080p contents, and it also supports both CUDA and Stream, however it does not allow Bluray authoring, which wont allow you to make a Bluray disc or image.

I guess your best bet will be PowerDirector 8.
Here's another suggestion for avoiding the GPU when encoding.

An i7 is plenty fast, and x264 codec will give you the best quality.


Your i7 920 (one overclocked at 4.0 GHz nonetheless) is more than capable of doing encoding and any other tasks you need it to perform. No need to use the GPU.
Thanks guys. I don't want to do it all the time, I just wanted to check it out.
I agree on encoding, it won't mature for a while, but there is potential for huge performance gains.

However hardware accelerated decoding is fairly mature now, and it'd be cool to see an AviSynth (or DShow) decoder that could make use of it. Should gain you a fair amount of performance when re-encoding from an h.264 or VC-1 source. If there'd be a real performance gain after the overhead of GPU decoding, anyway...but I expect their would be. Most of the processing filters should be fairly easy to port to the GPU as well, so if you could do all the decoding and image processing on the GPU and then encode on the main CPU there are some real gains to be had.