Using builtin video for 2nd monitor 1070 GTX for main


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 17, 2000
Silly idea but I'm sure some of you have done it. I of course got the "mouse lag and lower fps" issue when running dual monitors on my current setup even if I had twitch, etc. running on another monitor nothing intensive except the game itself that is fine the moment I pull the HDMI cord out of it. So now I have a 6700k coming and it has an intel 530 built in. If I use that as my secondary and 1070 GTX to my main monitor will this issue still exist or? Other problems/suggestions? Thanks!
That's strange. I've been running double and triple monitors for a while and never had an issue (though I only fullscreen games and don't multi-task while gaming).

Second monitor on integrated should work, but I don't know that will get you better performance.
Maybe because I ran window per a guide I followed idk. I will have to test again with the just installed 6700k setup!
I run my secondary monitor off the Intel GPU. I had it enabled anyway for quicksync and it gave me a 2nd DVI port so I didn't have to buy a different cable or converter. I don't notice any problems at all.