Using MS Office, Word to design a flyer.


Jun 26, 2004
Ok, so I am trying to design some flyers to handout for my friend. Problem is I haven’t used the Office suite much in the past 4 years, so I am having trouble getting things laid out right. So yea, I know what I want to do but I am struggling to make it happen, please help me.

Ok so I want to divide the paper in to quarters so we get 4 flyers for each sheet of paper we print. By quarters I mean we are going to cut the paper in half horizontally and vertically. I then want each section framed by a small line that is 3/8-1/2” from the edge all the way around. The text and graphics will then be placed in the center of each box.

I started working on the layout about an hour ago and am getting no where with it. So I must be doing it the hard way. If anyone has any tips or knows where I can find a template like this I would really appreciate the help. I really think the problems I am having are coming from using the wrong tools in Word for the job.
If you want, you could like draw out a sketch or something and I can do it in Quark and save it as a picture for you to use...I've quit using Word...Quark is much easier to use...
Well thanks man, I really appreciate the offer. I am not familiar with quark but I will defiantly Google it when I get a chance. Anyway to be honest I am a rather determined person and before the night is over I will have it all worked out even if it doesn’t look exactly how I picture it now.

I guess what I am really trying to do right now is make a blank template for the flyer so that next time we want to print up some handouts it will be really easy. The reason I am using office is because no matter where I am and what PC I am behind, it is the one application suite I always seem to have access to.

Maybe my problem is that I like powerful applications like PhotoShop and Office because you really can do anything with them, once you figure out how that is. :) Unfortunately I am on a very tight time schedule this time so I don’t have hours upon hours to spend figuring it out. :(

See I am a hardware guy; I don’t really enjoy playing with software. However when a friend or relative asks me for help I do what ever I can to help. I have also done some side jobs that require setting up a member’s database and then using mailmerge to create mailing labels and membership cards. So in the end I always seem to get the job done.

My friend is making all sorts of business moves right now and keeping me really busy making posters and now flyers. Maybe I should consider taking a course at the community collage on MS Office? But with work I really don’t know where I would find the time. Hmmm, maybe one of you could recommend a good book that covers the ins and outs of MS Office? I know there has to be easier ways to do some of the things I already do in Office and if I had a better understand of all the powerful tools in office I am sure I would have a better idea of how to approach tasks like this one.

Thanks, Tom
TGA, to do what you mentioned with the borders in Word, try a 3x3 cell table. The center cell (both horizontally and vertically) will be used as a gutter for spacing purposes. Then put borders around the corner cells, or rather, you start with borders around all cells and then eliminate the lines you don't want. You'll have to experiment with your page margins and column height/width to get this all to work so that the borders print evenly when you go to cut the sheet.

You might be better off in PowerPoint where you can manually position your text boxes.