UT3's Titan Pack dated 3-5-09

the three deathmatch maps I played were pretty sweet. eden has a really interesting flow with a lot of layout variety. turbine is a pretty nice remake though i think it's too bright in general. doesnt feel as gritty as the original. darkmatch is gimmicky but pretty neat still with the ring of light going around the map lighting things up

can't wait to fire up some of the other maps and play the game with more people for a change
But will it make UT3 not suck? That is the question I am asking myself.
The million-dollar question. I certainly hope so; I'll be giving the free weekend deal a shot and might even pick it up off Steam if it turns out to be good.
Keeps saying server is too busy. I don't suppose just buying it would get it done quicker?
Whoever sets the prices on Steam must read this forum and I'm sure I said that if the game was $10-$15 I'd likely buy it and it's at $11.99 on Steam now so I might as well, GDI.
Whoever sets the prices on Steam must read this forum and I'm sure I said that if the game was $10-$15 I'd likely buy it and it's at $11.99 on Steam now so I might as well, GDI.

Yes they set it at that price because of what you said. :rolleyes:

Anyway, i've already downloaded the patch and i'm waiting for the Titan pack to finish downloading. I'm gonna install everything and see how it is, hopefully it'll spice things up.
Whoever sets the prices on Steam must read this forum and I'm sure I said that if the game was $10-$15 I'd likely buy it and it's at $11.99 on Steam now so I might as well, GDI.

If you end up seeing this, did it actually start for you?

Getting no love from steam.:(
Heh, I must be one of the weirdos that actually enjoys UT3. I find it feels more like UT99, a quality that UT2003 and UT2004 lacked.

I'm also enjoying making maps/mods for the new engine, UT2004 was starting to get a little stale (and limited).
Heh, I must be one of the weirdos that actually enjoys UT3. I find it feels more like UT99, a quality that UT2003 and UT2004 lacked.
I think the gameplay is a step in the right direction, and is more similar to UT99 (which I prefer) than UT2004. The major problem I have with it is the lack of quality maps, although some of the weapon tweaks do irritate me (the flak cannon for instance is much less effective than any of the previous games, and the sniper rifle is still gimped compared to UT99). If the maps they've added are actually really good, I will probably grab a copy.
Might be a dumb question, but is UT3 free to play online? Or does it require some sorry ass monthly subscription...
Might be a dumb question, but is UT3 free to play online? Or does it require some sorry ass monthly subscription...
Once you own the game, it's free to play just like pretty much every other FPS ever (aside from Planetside).
i played the hel out of 99 and 2004. fuck 2003. IT SUCKED. But to put things into prospective....I have a unreal tournament 99 symbol tatoo..and since ut3 came out i'm embarrassed to tell people what it is :-( epic fail dude. epic
I really hope this does bring a comminity to UT3.

When it originaly came out, most people could tell that it suffered from major "console-izing" from the demo, and didn't bite on it. Didn't help that CoD4 was released at about the same time, with exelent MP.

Now, there isn't too many new shooters to contend with, and the game is available for cheep. So hopefully fans of the previous Unreals will pick it up as an impulse buy, and give it a second chance.
If it means anything, the Steam servers are pretty swamped right now for UT3 downloads...
i played the hel out of 99 and 2004. fuck 2003. IT SUCKED. But to put things into prospective....I have a unreal tournament 99 symbol tatoo..and since ut3 came out i'm embarrassed to tell people what it is :-( epic fail dude. epic

dude! ut2k3 was awesome for flag-runners, like me! BOOST DODGING!!!! love the movement of 2k3, armour system was a bit whaq and weapon switch made the game a tad retarded but the movement was awesome.
But will it make UT3 not suck? That is the question I am asking myself.

try it for free. the patch has fixed almost every issue that people have been crying about and if done so, there is no reason to say this game sucks and at the current price of this game, why not? £9 for a UT3 game. brillient
Apology unneccesary. No need to check myself dude. Quake 3 arena is STILL on the hard drive. It is one of my most treasured gaming experiences. I played UT back in the day as well. Yes, it was awesome, but I still preferred Quake 3. As for UT2003 being alot different feeling than UT? Duh. For me, UT2003 is faster paced and the weapons have more punch. The 2003 Flak cannon is a perfect example. Compare it with the 2004 or original version. Completely different. 2003 also has more attitude than UT. Something that Quake 3 has plenty of.

Ultimately they are all awesome games and I have enjoyed them for years, regardless of what the clans are doing.

I just started playing Quake again via Quake Live. I have not played in almost 10 years. So many sentimental memories man. I was actually doing pretty good on the Instagib servers then those "veterans that have played constantly in the past 10 years" joined and omg I got PWNDED. :c(

I have never got my ass whooped so bad in a game in years. It was actually fun, nice to see that there are still really good players out there.
dude! ut2k3 was awesome for flag-runners, like me! BOOST DODGING!!!! love the movement of 2k3, armour system was a bit whaq and weapon switch made the game a tad retarded but the movement was awesome.

2003 was ok for a while, but definitely starkly different from 99 and it was quite a shock. When 2004 came out, we not only knew what to expect, but they also improved the game considerably. That was an excellent game, imo.
I gotta download this today, I love the Unreal games and the best memory is the the one when coming out of the ship to see the huge world and waterfall in the original Unreal.
dude! ut2k3 was awesome for flag-runners, like me! BOOST DODGING!!!! love the movement of 2k3, armour system was a bit whaq and weapon switch made the game a tad retarded but the movement was awesome.

i thought UT 2K3 was awesome... i loved the quick pace and dodging...

it almost felt like it was a different flavor of Quake.... basically, an excellent twitch shooter...
Question: Can there be two or more Titans at once in a map...and on opposing teams?

PS. I had a blast playing last night. Became a Titan and CTF just rocks. After playing nothing but COD4-W@W this was refreshing to play.
Question: Can there be two or more Titans at once in a map...and on opposing teams?

PS. I had a blast playing last night. Became a Titan and CTF just rocks. After playing nothing but COD4-W@W this was refreshing to play.
Yes! :D
I've been hearing a lot of good opinions about Greed, can't wait to finally check it out tonight
I've been hearing a lot of good opinions about Greed, can't wait to finally check it out tonight

It's like CTF, yet this time kills matter! And as you collect more skulls, you get bonuses, such as armor and amp damage.
ok, i finally got it downloaded....

and the game is awesome! fast action, large scale battles, gorgeous graphics with no slowdown....

a pity they botched the launch so badly!
Is ZARK still around?

I miss the old UT2k3/2k4 days of playing zark with the pros. T5K, zF, uZa.....

Good times....
i bought the game, very fun, much better than the demo i played awhile back.

cant beat the price atm for $12
holy crap, playing as a Titan is fun as hell!

its one of the rare instances where an "ultimate" power in a MP game actually makes you feel supremely powerful!

very very cool....
Man if I didn't have a show this weekend, I'd be all over this. Gonna have to play it when I get back.